The members of NZDSOS have been accused of being anti-vaxxers since our first letter in support of the court action against the provisional approval of the Comirnaty injections. It was thus with a mixture of anger and dismay along with a sense of vindication that we read of the actual advice from Medsafe to the government. This advice looks like it came from anti-vaxxers.
Not only have the public been lied to, but doctors who voiced the same concerns as Medsafe did, have been investigated, silenced through conditions on their licenses of by signing ‘voluntary undertakings’, suspended, sent to “re-education” and/or sent to the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal.
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- Category: CV Injection NZ
- Hits: 1592
Executive summary
New Zealand's Medical Regulator admitted that the risk-benefit of the Pfizer vax is UNCLEAR. However, the New Zealand government misrepresented this to the public of course.
The Substack
Read this excellent Substack article: Pfizer Vaccine Approval in NZ Under Scrutiny: A Retrospective Analysis.
Medsafe, the New Zealand medical regulator, got it right: you shouldn’t be recommending a vaccine without a very clear benefit/risk ratio.
But the New Zealand government didn’t listen to their own medical regulator.
The vaccines are safe and effective no matter what the data or anyone else says. Get it?
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- Category: CV Injection NZ
- Hits: 1445
‘Doctors Stand Up for Vaccination’ appear to have stood down. A search for their letter and details leads to a website that is for sale and their names and message are no longer there. What does that mean? Perhaps they realised Comirnaty is not a vaccine, and has undeniable evidence of harm.
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- Category: CV Injection NZ
- Hits: 1988
"We find this odd as the vaccine was only tested on a small number of children in this age group and they appear to have been selected because they were healthy...So, despite testing it on healthy children, it is now being recommended only for the less healthy babies and children"
Babes at Risk: Covid Vaccine Approved for Children Under 5yo
Making decisions about vaccinations for babies and children is a much more important parental responsibility than assessing what type of buggy, cot or car seat to get. Yet, how much time do parents spend researching this topic? Do they just trust the experts, and if so, should they? If an adverse event arises, parents and children potentially have a lifetime of consequences to deal with.
The Ministry of Health has just announced that covid vaccination for 6 mth to 4 yr olds is now available in NZ for those at high risk. Have they followed scientific advice this time? We know that they did not previously follow the advice of their Technical Advisory Group in relation to vaccination of adolescents.
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- Category: CV Injection NZ
- Hits: 1533
Important info has recently come to light about staff training and related vaccination plans for your children at school. It certainly is info that has been alluded to in recent posts about school lockdowns and possible mandating of health treatments that authorities may deem 'necessary' during that time. Are you aware that your 12 year old (and older) are able to give their consent to take the covid-19 experimental mRNA injection?
During the said lockdowns in 2022 concerned parents were declined the right of seeing or collecting their children and one parent was marched off the school grounds by security staff. Not only that, it appears that the videoing capacity of their phones was remotely blocked. At the links below you can read about the lockdowns, the disturbing events and observers' feedback. It was very frightening for them.
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- Category: CV Injection NZ
- Hits: 2133
From Counterspin Media via
A Dunedin mother of 3 is being held against her will in Wakari Psychiatric Hospital, sectioned under the Mental Health (compulsory assessment & treatment) Act 1992
Pamela Taylor told us that she had dropped off her children at school this morning & authorities turned up at midday where she was kidnapped by police, supported by St John’s & the mental health unit and taken to the Emergency Psychiatric Service, where Dr Nigel Fanshaw deemed her to have mental dysfunction.
We were on the phone with her when she was then taken to Wakari hospital.
A local official has confirmed this is where she is and helped deliver her some personal items.
Pamela says the psychiatric assessment was ordered by a family court judge following an ongoing dispute with the father of her children, due to her views on the covid “vaccine” & her attendance of the Wellington protest last year.
Concerned friends & supporters will be outside the hospital at 369 Taieri Road, Halfway Bush, Dunedin tomorrow at 9am. (TWNZ note: it is unclear what date 'tomorrow' is).
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- Category: CV Injection NZ
- Hits: 1489
This revelation has been brought to the public's attention by Voices for Freedom. I quote straight from their newsletter containing also the links to the said articles:
"...a breaking story that began yesterday and continued today is worth everyone's attention!
- the suitability of the Covid-19 injectable for children and young people,
- the potential harm from myocarditis, appropriate dosing schedules, and intervals to minimise the risk,
- and vaccine mandates for youth.
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- Category: CV Injection NZ
- Hits: 1988
Note: you may need to sign up to this author at substack to view at the link. The article plainly describes the psychological and physical torture techniques used on this mother and child. You will be shocked. This clearly proves it was never about the little one's health. TWNZ
Update on Baby Will of New Zealand and the Deathstar... ahem, Starship Hospital
NZ government has been caught in a crime of mass poisoning, and is lashing out by using psychological and physical torture techniques on a mother and her newborn children.
I participated in the online event in support of baby Will - a 4 months old in need of heart surgery, whose parents did not wish to have Covid-19 vaccinated blood. I enjoyed speaking with Liz Gunn and a team of producers at Counterspin Media. The story caught worldwide attention due to concerns of many (including myself) with effects of blood degradation that are well documented in covid vaccinees. There simply have not been any systematic research on how any of this affects blood banks, and certainly no research on what this might cause in babies. Covid-19 vaccines are not approved for babies less than 6 mo, and in a desperate attempt to force their psychopathic power, the hospital argued that Will was a 6 months old since he was born premature.
The depth of their evil depravity is unfathomable. Below is the message from Liz Gunn, reproduced in entirety.
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- Category: CV Injection NZ
- Hits: 1480
The Reasonable Concerns of Baby W’s Parents
We have recently been provided with an interesting opportunity to observe the mainstream media squirm with discomfort, demonstrate blind faith, ignorance and lack of curiosity, obfuscate, omit and fabricate as well as let slip a few truths. And all this with respect to a tiny baby with the most piercing and wise blue eyes.
Baby W needed heart surgery and his parents were asking for the precautionary principle to apply and wanted their son to have blood from donors who had not been vaccinated against covid 19. Not because they were convinced the blood was dangerous, but because there was a possibility that there could be problems with the blood and there was a safer alternative.
They had reasonable questions and concerns that were not addressed satisfactorily by the medical professionals involved in his case.
The family engaged the services of lawyer Sue Grey who was interviewed, somewhat reluctantly it seems, by a few mainstream media ‘journalists’. Media Watch on Sunday seemed to admit that censorship can only go so far and perhaps censoring the lawyer involved in a case might overstep the mark: “It was probably not realistic to ban Grey from media appearances under those circumstances.”
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- Category: CV Injection NZ
- Hits: 1758
From, by Gareth Icke
An important update on Baby Will. Gareth speaks briefly with Counterspin who give detail on recent happenings at the hospital. Baby Will has had his op and is safe and well apparently.
Listen at the Bitchute link below. You can find this video also at although I could not play it there.
Stay informed by checking the FreeNZ Media channel at Rumble with Liz Gunn. Liz was trespassed from the hospital apparently. You will hear info on that in the video. Propaganda abounds from lamestream on the so called 'anti-vaxxers'. Independent media however are not welcome. Truth is coming out though.
Photo: screenshot
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- Category: CV Injection NZ
- Hits: 1653
FreeNZ Media video (link below)
NOTE: Baby Will is now out of Surgery and doing well in recovery. See note below. TWNZ
Statement by Cole & Sam – 9th Dec 2022
Night of Thursday 8th Dec:
Sam was not allowed to hold Will all night.
She was not allowed to cuddle him.
She was also not allowed to sleep all night, as she was told that if she did any of this, she would be forcibly removed back to the ward, from the pre-op room, and would not see the baby before the operation. There were four guards in the room.
The traumatic way in which this situation has been treated does not make sense.
Baby Will was not allowed to be held by his mother all night.
Please send your love and prayers to him.
Update found on telegram at 4.30pm 9Dec22 Aussie Time: here :
Dear Ones
We would like to give a quick update as we know many are anxious to find out.
Baby Will is now out of Surgery and doing well in recovery.
Please continue to send the Savage Family messages, support and keep them in your prayers.
With gratitude
DSNZ Admin Team
For those who would like to email the New Zealand Consulate about the treatment and forced temporary guardianship and surgery of baby Will . . .
Here are the contact details:
Lots of background info with links:
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- Category: CV Injection NZ
- Hits: 1361
Counterspin Media with Liz Gunn from FreeNZ Media (former TV1 Journalist) - an interview with David Icke. David has studied the background agenda many folk are still not aware of for more than 20 years. He's interviewEDd here at the time of Baby Will and his parents' ordeal with the NZ health authorities to bring us the big picture of what is really going on. It's not widely known, on topic, that NZ also had a person who sounded the alarm on this plan from the early 1970s until 2002 ... evangelist, speaker and investigative author Barry Smith. You can listen to him at this link.
Hear David Icke's interview at the link below:
Image by TheAndrasBarta from Pixabay
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- Category: CV Injection NZ
- Hits: 1436
The NZ Herald reports on the judge’s ruling … “…the safety of the vaccine has been proven medically and by the courts”.
This outcome is very sad yet unsurprising … a precedent is being set…as I wrote in this post, if they make this concession for unvaccinated blood, it will affirm in the public eye that they acknowledge some risks with vaccinated blood. That's a no no. They need to enforce their ongoing narrative that the CV VX is 'safe and effective'.
The NZ Herald in true lamestream reporting style has as usual, sprinkled their article with the emotive label, 'anti-vax' which thinking folk know is propaganda. This stand off is about the right for parents to choose. The fact that they personally decline the experimental injection is beside the point here. Still, they must preserve the integrity of the donor service. That clearly takes priority. (And that of the 'safe and effective' experimental injection).
The NZ Herald reports (excerpt):
"A lawyer for the blood service, Adam Ross KC, on Wednesday described the request for that order as exceptional and without precedent. Ross said it would jeopardise the integrity of the donor service and open the door to ethically and clinically bankrupt requests regarding donor blood.
”It is a concern that an order like this can damage and will damage an excellent blood service,” he said.
”There’s also a slippery slope element to it.”
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- Category: CV Injection NZ
- Hits: 1312
The NZ authorities may make an example of these parents. If they make this concession for unvaccinated blood, it will affirm in the public eye that they acknowledge some risks with vaccinated blood. That's a no no. They need to enforce their ongoing narrative that the CV VX is 'safe and effective'. TWNZ (Background story here).
From Guy Hatchard
Baby Will: I am not sure how much more I can add to the debate about the case of baby Will except to say that the situation has turned nasty.
Here are two sincere parents who have already been traumatised by the heart condition of their four month old which necessitates an operation. They would like unvaccinated blood to be used, and they arranged for matching donors.
But the surgeon and the New Zealand health system have refused this easy option. Instead, they decided to go for the jugular. They are seeking custody of the child to enforce the use of blood from the public blood bank. They are refusing to admit that studies finding persistence of spike protein indicate any risk. An extreme position. It is of note, as we have previously written that even pro-vaccine advocates overseas are admitting the existence of novel blood clots, (whilst arguing implausibly that their causes are unknown).
Unvaccinated to Exclusively and Compulsorily Receive Vaccinated Blood Transfusions
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- Category: CV Injection NZ
- Hits: 1378
Little NZ baby Will Savage is in need of a heart operation. His parents wishing to 'err on the side of caution' desire non covid-vaxxed blood for him and even have donors lined up to supply. Starship Hospital medics are saying jabbed blood or no op for him.
Te Whatu Ora Health NZ have applied for guardianship of Will.
You can read/watch more on this at the links here.
RELATED Articles from NZDSOS Doctors:
Parental Concerns About Covid-Vaccinated Blood Donations : Response to Dr Nikki Turner
A Challenge to NZ Blood: What’s The Issue With Blood From Vaccinated Donors?
What’s The Issue with Blood from Vaccinated Donors?
From Guy Hatchard
Unfounded Prejudice is Gripping the Nation. Misleading Government Publicity is to Blame
Below is a link to mainstream’s reporting on this case that is currently before the Court:
Decision in baby blood guardianship case reserved
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- Category: CV Injection NZ
- Hits: 1500
If you patiently search this topic (ie Ardern's infamous UN speech) ... I say patiently because, in case you'd not noticed Google has carefully ensured you get the Wiki spiel first along with any conspiracy theory warnings next, and anything of truthful content will be several pages later. Better to search on the alternative video channels, the likes of Rumble, Bitchute, Odysee, Brighteon and so on. I've encountered at least three commentaries now on Ardern's description of 'free speech' as being a weapon of war, all shocked and horrified at what she had to say. All whilst pretending that she honours free speech. Tyranny is rising folks. Meanwhile we have an estimated 20 million dead from the jab and the NZ govt continues to deny it and continues to push it (the jab ie). We're witnessing democide... and sadly some are not hearing still. TWNZ
From GB News at Bitchute
"‘She’s nothing less than dangerous.’
Neil Oliver speaks to Dan Wootton about whether Jacinda Ardern has become the acceptable face of tyranny."
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- Category: CV Injection NZ
- Hits: 1759