Image by PDPics from Pixabay
By Joy Lucette Garner @ substack
The jabbed are experiencing an explosive rate of aggressive new cancers, and HERE is how it's happening:
Stephanie Seneff, an MIT S. Research Scientist, has published a peer-reviewed, authoritative, and crystal clear scientific paper (HERE) laying out the exact mechanisms by which the jabs are in fact causing a massive explosion of extremely aggressive cancers, (and plenty of other deadly diseases) of a type never seen before, leaving doctors (purportedly) “baffled” by how incredibly deadly they are, such that by the time it’s even diagnosed, patients are already in the “final” stages.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 180
If you are still in doubt about the reality of the sudden deaths world wide I'd recommend you sub to Prof Mark Crispin Miller's documentation of the evidence. He's paid dearly for speaking out*. He is Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU. Founder of News from Underground. Author of numerous books, including Boxed In, The Bush Dyslexicon, and Fooled Again.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 504
"Some army doctors are willing to talk about what is really going on. But most want to keep their jobs. I couldn’t find one willing to speak publicly, but I found one who’d talk to me if his identity was kept secret."
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 524
From Dr Ana Mihalcea MD, PhD @ substack
In this episode (video link), I speak with VAERS expert Albert Benavides about the ongoing VAERS data fraud. He shows evidence of how the system is being scrubbed to cover up true injury and mortality rates. Albert’s current shocking estimates for global mortality are at 35 million dead. This is a Genocide unfolding.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 760
Three articles:
Attorney discovers “smoking gun evidence” that covid injections are pre-meditated murder
Japanese doctors reconfirm what we track here: THOUSANDS of papers have reported crippling and/or deadly side effects of "vaccination"—an "unprecedented" crisis in the history of medicine
A summary of the evidence against the COVID vaccines
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1814
From Steve Kirsch @ Substack
How can the CDC ignore their own gold-standard data? The data shows the COVID vaccines were a huge failure and increased all-cause mortality, exactly the opposite of what was promised.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1627
Posted by Sergeant Major: A video from Katie Hopkins at
EXCESS DEATHS AMONG THE VAXXED: how much longer can this horror story be suppressed?
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1971
From via
First published on October 5, 2023
If an experimental vaccine were to damage the heart and immune system in a significant number of individuals who received it, it is possible that it could lead to a decline in the overall population size.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 2063
From by Prof Michel Chossudovsky
READ ON TOPIC ALSO: Posts from Dr Mark Crispin Miller
First published on November 26, 2022
We are being accused of “spreading disinformation” regarding the Covid-19 vaccine.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1751
From Prof Mark Crispin Miller @ Substack
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with NYU Media Studies Professor and propaganda expert Dr. Mark Crispin Miller for 12.16.23.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1800
From 2nd Smartest Guy in the World @ substack
This Substack has previously covered the slow kill bioweapon death and disease adverse events…
"...we have the latest disability data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic (B[L]S) for November, which further reinforces the horrendous trends."
Image by Niek Verlaan from Pixabay
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 2027
From Steve Kirsch @ substack
The vaccine was implicated in 93% of the deaths in the patients they examined. What's troubling is the coroner didn't implicate the vaccine in any of those deaths.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1738
In this video, experts explain how the mRNA “trans”jections not only cause physical damage to organs but how they also damage the small capillaries in the brain, override the blood-brain barrier and eventually lead to massive personality changes.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 2048
From via Peter McCullough, MD @ substack
"Trista Deane Martin, daughter of Taylor and Allen Martin, a 2022 graduate of Broken Arrow High School, died suddenly months after receiving the Pfizer shot.
This movie is about the families brave enough to speak up and admit that the shot killed their children. Hear from the ones who have refused to keep quiet. We all know that there are so many who have sold out to pharma, denying that their loved ones were hurt or killed by the shots. But there is no amount of money or threats that can keep these parents from speaking truth in honor of their children…and so this doesn’t happen to one more child.
This is the first film that focuses on the deeply personal aspect of the devastation unleashed by the shot and the mandates, as told by the families who lost loved ones. This film will make you cry. This film will make you think. And this film will prompt you to take action for children everywhere". Dr Peter McCullough
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1667
From Mark Crispin Miller @ substack
How low can they go? Toronto Sick Kids Hospital casts children's heart attacks as NORMAL, even offering to "cure" them (with pricey gadgetry)
Propaganda having been deployed to kill and cripple countless children (and adults), the murderers are now deploying even MORE of it to cover up their crime (and make MORE money doing it)
First, check out this disgusting lie, which obviously cost a lot to make, what with its high production values:
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1802
by Mike Capuzzo from The Defender - posted at
Executives at the largest insurance companies in the United States are alarmed that teenagers, young and white-collar Americans in the prime of life are inexplicably dying at a record pace, causing a “monumental outflow” of death claims and drag on profits that is shaking the industry and causing some to take a fresh look at the problem.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1956
From Dr Vernon Coleman
(This is the transcript for Vernon Coleman’s video No 330 which you can, if you prefer, watch by clicking HERE)
It’s October and this is video 330.
Everything I’m going to tell you is true and so, since it’s all provably honest, accurate and significant it’s almost certainly illegal for me to continue with this video. Worse still, it’s almost certainly also illegal for you to listen to me. And on top of that you’re probably not old enough to hear what I’m going to tell you.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1823
Yet another case of 'mysterious' excessive death rates. Whilst predictably ignoring completely the elephant in the room. Deaths that number 20 million or so. Nothing to see here .... TWNZ
Beginning in 2021, Australians have been dying at disturbing rates. Yet, political and medical authorities continue to ignore this, says a group of ethical doctors and scientists who have investigated what is killing so many Australians.
The Australian Senate voted against holding an inquiry into this excess mortality but independent, committed medical professionals have conducted an investigation. They reveal that even the inadequate adverse event reporting systems of global regulators show alarming numbers of adverse events, disability and deaths.
Australia is in the midst of a health crisis, the group of independent investigators said. Their analysis indicates it is iatrogenic. In other words, the harm to patients and death is induced “unintentionally” by a medical doctor or other professional. “Too many people are dead and harmed. Australians deserve accountability, transparency and justice.”
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 2061
The Office for National Statistics has revealed without realising it that children are up to 52 times more likely to die following Covid-19 vaccination than children who have not had the Covid-19 vaccine.
On 20th Dec 21, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published a dataset containing details on ‘deaths by vaccination status in England’ between 1st Jan and 31st Oct 21. The dataset contains various tables, such as, ‘Monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths involving COVID-19’, and ‘Monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for non-COVID-19 deaths’. What the dataset also includes is ‘age-standardised mortality rates by age-group and vaccination status for all deaths’, however, they have conveniently left out the data for children and only included data on age groups over the age of 18.
Image by Ulrike Mai from Pixabay
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1997
The vaccine advocates claim that people have been dying suddenly throughout history and it's nothing unusual. I'm going to tell you what the are NOT telling you.
Executive summary
The ratio of COVID vaxxed to unvaxxed in the people who died suddenly since the rollout of the COVID vaccines is estimated to be fewer than 1 in 1,000. Yet 25% of Americans are not vaccinated. If the COVID vaccine isn’t related to the deaths, then roughly 25% of the people who die suddenly should be unvaccinated. This isn’t the case. It’s less than 0.1%. This is statistically impossible to occur unless there is a cause (as I explain below).
Photo: MarkCrispinMiller @ substack
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1876
A new study based on official government data has revealed that 94% of Covid deaths were among patients who were fully vaccinated for the virus. The study was based on data from the British government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS). The ONS recently published an update on deaths by vaccination status in England. The data has shockingly revealed that the vaccinated population accounted for 95% of COVID-19 deaths in the 12 months between June 1, 2022, and May 31, 2023.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 2016
Tragically, since the mass covid injection campaign began to the end of September, 2,003 athletes have had serious health issues post-vaccination. Of those, 1,400 have died.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1786
Story at-a-glance
- Many symptoms of long COVID and injuries from COVID-19 shots may be due to microclots throughout the body
- Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson speaks with Jordan Vaughn, founder and president of the Microvascular Research Foundation (MVRF), in Birmingham, Alabama, about the issue, revealing a triple anticoagulant therapy — aspirin, fibrinolytic enzymes and ivermectin may help
- Vaughn and colleagues have treated more than 1,500 such patients, with close to 80% experiencing a significant reduction in symptoms
- Typical diagnostic scans can’t detect microclots, and many people suffering are told by their doctors that symptoms are all in their head
- MVRF is planning clinical trials in early 2024 to test the use of triple anticoagulant therapy, nutraceuticals and supplements to eliminate microclots due to long COVID and COVID-19 jabs
Dr. Vernon Coleman: Here's Why Most Of The Jabbed Will Die Early. They will be lucky to last 5 years
From the highly censored Dr Vernon Coleman via teddolbi @ Rumble
Dr Coleman has been blowing the whistle on the Medical Mafia for a very long time. Check out his website. (He had two, I cannot find the newer one).
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1965
From Pierre Kory MD MPA
Let’s start with the fact the PFDA (the P is not a typo) asked a federal court for 75 years to make public the many thousands of pages of data submitted to them by Pfizer to support the EUA they (the PFDA) issued.
One interpretation of this action is that they wanted the data to stay hidden for a long time to hide fraud and/or criminality (same thing). The other is that they only had enough staff to complete this task within 75 years. Let’s ignore the 2nd one as absurd on its face (especially since they seem to be pouring out documents monthly after the judge ordered them to). Where there is a will there is a way apparently.
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 2271
A peculiar pattern has persisted in official UK Government data for some time. Approximately five months after each dose of the Covid-19 vaccine is administered to each age group, the mortality rates per 100,000 rise significantly among the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated in each age group.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 2190
There is now plenty of evidence telling you what the true agenda is. If you still believe the 'safe and effective' narrative you need to read the safe and effective link first and learn how that well used term is defined by the CDC...('it was tested on 50 people, none died, and only 8% needed to see a Doctor post-shot'). Meanwhile the post-shot stats world wide indicate that at least 20 million have died post-shot. Does that make you feel really really safe?
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 2020
Peeling back the layers of deception and obfuscation reveals a shocking truth that may not be all that shocking to our informed readers: Covid-19 “vaccines” are injuring and killing far more people than the government is letting on.
Estimates compiled from pieced-together data suggest that as many as 20 million people worldwide have died so far from the shots, while another 2.2 billion have suffered injuries – and we are only just getting started.
Pfizer mistakenly proves original COVID Vaccine destroys the Immune System after publishing Study for new Omicron Jab
CONFIRMED – COVID-19 is Man-Made & Fauci, Bill Gates, Daszak & Moderna are responsible
Facebook confirms COVID-19 Vaccines destroy the Immune System & cause a new form of AI
Image by Andrew Martin from Pixabay
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1907
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 2115
If we are to believe that the huge increase in deaths in 2020 was because of the emergence of the alleged Covid-19 virus, then one would expect the so-called “life-saving” vaccine, that has been rolled out worldwide and injected into the arms of millions multiple times, to have reduced the number of excess deaths being recorded across the world dramatically.
So why is it that the year 2022 has officially been a record-breaking year in terms of death for countries across Europe?
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 2526
A call has gone out from Mark Crispin Miller @ Substack (who has been compiling the toll world wide) to support this important effort. We will never hear the true toll from lamestream media unfortunately. Please consider if you are able to assist. Information at the links below:
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 2100
If the deaths were caused by COVID, this would be front page news. But when the deaths are from the COVID vaccine, it isn't newsworthy for some reason.
Executive summary
A skilled nursing facility (SNF) with an average of 152 residents administered the COVID vaccines to employees and residents on Dec 28 & 29, 2020. Between Jan 2 and Jan 20, 2021, approximately 42+ residents died. The management had to interrupt the staff’s holiday to call them back to work due to all the deaths.
Here’s the kicker: In all of 2020, this facility had ZERO COVID deaths.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1849
The medical community is never going to admit this and the mainstream media is never going to cover this, but I thought you should know. People who work in nursing homes are seeing a 25X increase.
Executive summary
No doubt about it: the COVID vaccines are causing a very significant increase in the likelihood of people developing sudden dementia.
I just got off the phone with a charge nurse at a rehab/long term elderly care facility. She’s been a nurse for 32 years and has never seen anything like this in her history.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 2090
The WHO reports
see the video in the link
Officials raise alarm over what they say caused over a million deaths
The World Health Organization (WHO) says that over 1.4 million deaths per year in Europe can be attributed to environmental factors like climate change. Hans Kluge, WHO regional director, joins CNN to discuss.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1612
(NaturalHealth365) If you could turn back time to the last day of 2021, you would find the percentage of adverse events for the Pfizer jab was reported as 0.109%. This percentage equates to 323,185 adverse event cases reported out of 296,860,831 jabs.
Fast forward to the summer of 2023, and the media is now reporting Pfizer’s confidential documents that quantify a whopping 1.6 million adverse events. Dig deep into the pharmaceutical company’s released documents, and you’ll find those adverse events occurred in nearly every organ in the human body.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1371
From Greg Hunter's
There is much more in the in-depth 1-hour and 4-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with New York University Professor and propaganda expert Dr. Mark Crispin Miller for 6.17.23.
To Donate to Click Here:
Dr. Mark Crispin Miller Substack:
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1354
From Zeee Media posted by SecureLife @
Maria Zeee and Dr Reiner Fuellmich discuss He Whakaputanga. As you will hear (not a long video) they discuss other countries globally that have attempted to bring those who forced the plandemic treatment on their populations to justice in light of all the ensuing deaths and injuries. They ought not to just be allowed to walk free and should be made 100% accountable. So those countries cited have not been successful it would appear, due to the corruption of the respective judicial systems, however the difference with NZ Māori they say is the fact that they never ceded their sovereignty to the Crown, referring to the Declaration of Independence, He Whakaputanga. There is much to research on this, a few links below will point you in that direction. Professor David Williams, author of Te Kooti Tango Whenua (translated, The Land Taking Court) has written a commentary on the 2014 Waitangi Tribunal findings on He Whakaputanga. There are links to reports in the second link below. More to come obviously on this. TWNZ
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1498
Story at-a-glance
- According to a May 11, 2023, report by the British Express, Britons are dying by the tens of thousands, “but no one knows why”
- Between May and December 2022, there were 32,441 excess deaths in England and Wales, according to data released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), and that doesn’t include COVID-related deaths
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1494
This is not normal! And yet governments are doing nothing. Their day of accountability is coming. Note these clots are in both jabbed (with the experimental mRNA injection) and non jabbed. TWNZ
The post is from Dr Ana Mihalcea MD PhD
As noted, graphic images! ...
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1073
But nobody at the FDA or the CDC cares about that. The real story is that an estimated 80% or more of the vaccines examined in this study are too deadly to be used. Here's the data showing that
Executive summary
I estimate that the COVID vaccines are 1,000X higher than the 1 death per million doses “safe limit” described by Paul Offit on 60 Minutes.
- Details
- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
- Hits: 1392