
David Icke reminds us how many we are and how few 'they' are. The so called elite ie. They are not elite of course. They are liars and thieves. Time to wake up & see what they are really about, and what the 'great reset' is really about. (Watch also the 'Tiny Dot' video below this one at the link). TWNZ

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"The corruption in "our" government is off the charts. (What's in those documents must be explosive stuff.) Pfizer, FDA Ask Court to Further Delay Release of COVID Vaccine Safety Data"

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They don't want you to know what is really happening in Canada. Folk are rising up. Fifty thousand trucks have occupied space in Ottawa with plans to remain until things change. They're in for the long haul. At this link are live streams. Keep an eye throughout the day. This is all over the jab mandates of course (in case you've been sleeping). TWNZ

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From Coronavirus Plushie @ Bitchute : the agenda behind the passports. Why else are they pushing the jab when there are now shown to be multiple alternatives for health ... all denied or banned. Why else are they covering up the huge numbers of deaths and injuries from it? Just search the official databases (all underreported) and ponder on those figures alone. All found at the left column of our pages. TWNZ

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NZDSOS supports and aligns with the World Council for Health in their call for an immediate stop to the covid-19 experimental “vaccines”.

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By Orwellito, Orwell City: In an exclusive interview for CONUVIVE Mundial (United Nations World Council for Life and Truth), Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger talked about the findings made by her and several scientists around the world about the content of vaccines, mentioning from graphene oxide to parasites and biotechnology.

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This should raise a red flag for you. I imagined that granting the right to consent to 12YOs (without parental knowledge) would be evidence enough that there is something very wrong with the current rollout to kids. If that did not, then surely this will?

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There are many examples of this (mostly posted at the EWR site) ... those game, cartoon or movie scenarios that almost exactly match what is happening on the planet right now. Listen to Max who has had his finger on the pulse for decades. TWNZ

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More with the Graphene discoveries. Remember in recent years the mysterious deaths of multiple (29 last count I saw) Natural Health practitioners? Those who espouse the truths around effective treatments are frequently 'disappeared'. TWNZ

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From Tim Truth at Odysee. More research on the graphene and other contents/contaminants of the CV VX. Educate yourself. TWNZ

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magnifying glass-fake-facts

"Dear Mark Zuckerberg, We are Fiona Godlee and Kamran Abbasi, editors of The BMJ, one of the world’s oldest and most influential general medical journals. We are writing to raise serious concerns about the “fact checking” being undertaken by third party providers on behalf of Facebook/Meta."

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Mark Bailey and Dr John Bevan-
Smith: COVID-19 is a fraud because its alleged causal agent, a purported novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, has not been proven to exist in nature and therefore has not been established as the cause of COVID-19, the disease and pandemic invented by the World Health Organisation (WHO). For the selfsame reason there are no variants of the “virus”, which likewise exist only hypothetically in computers, cloud-based gene banks and in the minds of innocent people who have been comprehensively gulled by their governments.

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Courtesy of the 'esteemed' NZ corporation. Interesting timing this isn't it? So the euthanasia Bill's been passed & just in time it seems for those who don't want to suffer from the condition that has a very high survival rate, (especially if you can access those treatments proven effective by many MDs yet banned by various governments) ...  according to independent science (not the bought kind). Typically these matters fly through approval right when folk are Christmas shopping (a time worn tactic) and in this case, this year, stressing also about no jab, no job, or can they even visit their families right now? TWNZ

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James Garrow, a spokesperson for the Philadelphia Department of Public Health, which has worked with the state to blend data sets for a more accurate view of vaccination trends, said “we don’t have any faith in the numbers on the CDC website, and we never refer to them.”

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Tens of thousands rally to protest against 'green tick' tyranny

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The data have raised serious ethical concerns, prompting questions about how much government actors stand to profit from coercive COVID-19 jab mandates.

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Years ago I asked a friend from Czechoslovakia what the difference was between living under communism and living in New Zealand. Her response was very indicative: 
“In Czechoslovakia we KNEW we were being lied to”

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"Starting December 17, Queenslanders will be required to show a vaccine passport to enter restaurants, cafes, pubs, bars, clubs, cinemas, theaters, museums, libraries, and stadiums."  NZ is inching towards this with the new nonsensical traffic light system that is the new apartheid. Everywhere as this rolls out here, the nasty side of peoples natures is showing itself. Nevertheless, Kiwis are resilient and are finding a way through it as those who were originally promised 'no mandates' find alternative avenues for survival. TWNZ

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"A hidden cartel of elite globalists has controlled the world’s economy and its political agenda for

hundreds of years. It is more commonly known as the New World Order (NWO); whose purpose
was to create a global economic and political dictatorship be it from a war, a climate emergency
or unending biological events of their creation."

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