celeste solum

"Celeste Solum is an investigator, researcher, author and broadcaster.  Her background includes photojournalism, medicine, government, and military."

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dr carrie madej

"What Dr. Madej discovers under the microscope are;  “things she has never seen before” and things that “were very upsetting”.

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"It is because of Barbara Loe Fisher and her efforts through the NVIC that we even have a Vaccine Adverse Reactions System (VAERS) mandated by law, even though the government does everything they can to hide this system, as very few people even know that it exists."

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As the covid-19 vaccine roll out is well under way in NZ now, if you are still undecided, it would be useful for you to consider the following information before proceeding.

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Hear Aussie PM Scott Morrison a true blue member of the sub human globalists' plan,

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 From Max Igan, a commentary on current world developments

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France’s long-time vaccine policy chief: covid policy is “completely stupid” and “unethical”

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From The Health Forum NZ @ Facebook
Dr Ryan Cole is an American Senior Pathologist.

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From dailyexpose.co.uk
Senior UK Lawyer Anna De Buisseret warned of the untold dangers of vaccinating children and teenagers.

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From Kiwi4Justice

Is it Lockdown Lunacy? Or are we genuinely facing an historic threat to our health and well-being that fully justifies these actions?

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Senator Malcolm Roberts speaks. Remember him speaking out about the climate change gravy train?

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