From Dr Mercola
Get Ready: Gates, Johns Hopkins, WHO Simulated Another Pandemic - 'Catastrophic Contagion'
NOTE: Due to censorship Dr Mercola's articles are archived to paid sub soon after publication, in which case the source link may no longer work. The article however is republished here in its entirety. TWNZ
Story at-a-glance
- Over time, it’s become clear that the globalist cabal seeking to implement a one world government repeatedly tell us what they’re about to do. Table top pandemic simulations, for example, are a form of dress rehearsal
- In 2017, Johns Hopkins Center of Health Security held a coronavirus pandemic simulation called the SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 scenario. In October 2019, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with Johns Hopkins and the World Economic Forum hosted Event 201
- As in the SPARS Pandemic scenario, Event 201 involved an outbreak of a highly infectious coronavirus, but the primary (if not sole) focus of the exercise was how to control information and keep “misinformation” in check, not how to effectively discover and share remedies
- October 23, 2022, Gates, Johns Hopkins and the World Health Organization cohosted “a global challenge exercise” dubbed “Catastrophic Contagion,” involving a novel pathogen called “severe epidemic enterovirus respiratory syndrome 2025” (SEERS-25), which primarily affects children and teens
- Enterovirus D68 is typically associated with cold and flu-like illness in infants, children and teens. In rare cases, it’s also been known to cause viral meningitis and acute flaccid myelitis, a neurological condition resulting in muscle weakness and loss of reflexes. The virus they modeled in the Catastrophic Contagion simulation appears to be something similar to enterovirus D68, but worse
Over time, it's become clear that the globalist cabal seeking to implement a one world government repeatedly tell us what they're about to do. They hold dress rehearsals in the form of tabletop exercises, and they've revealed their plans in various reports and white papers through the years.
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 1574
Mechanically Separated Society (Max Igan's latest vid)
Mass chicken culling just another malicious attack on the food supply
Hey Bruce Lee! Merriam-Webster's Definition of 'Vaccine' Needs an Update...Again
Bill Gates wants all Africa's children vaccinated (of course)
The Urgent Need to Keep Up With Published Covid Findings
80X More Deaths Following COVID-19 Shots than Influenza Vaccines 2020 through 2022
Banks Freeze Funds of Pro-Free Speech Video Platform Bitchute
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 1298
From Dr Mercola
FDA Unleashes the Deadliest Medical Practice Ever on Babies
NOTE: Due to censorship Dr Mercola's articles are archived to paid sub soon after publication, in which case the source link may no longer work. The article however is republished here in its entirety. A very disturbing article too. Beware parents. TWNZ
EXCERPT: "The very same day the CDC voted to add the shots to the vaccine schedule, which also opens the door for states to mandate the jab for school children, Pfizer announced it will raise the price of its jab by about 400%,12 from $3013 per dose to somewhere between $110 and $130 once the current U.S. purchase program expires."
Story at-a-glance
- In mid-June 2022, the United States became the first country in the world to grant emergency use authorization (EUA) for COVID jabs for toddlers as young as 6 months. December 8, 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the updated bivalent COVID boosters for this age group as well
- The reformulated bivalent shots were authorized for adults, based on antibody levels in mice, just three months earlier. The FDA has zero data on its use in babies. Initial data is not expected until January 2023, yet they authorized the shot for babies anyway
- The COVID shots are the most dangerous medical intervention ever released. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data show nearly 30% of V-Safe participants aged 12 to 17 were unable to perform daily activities after the second dose, and nearly 20% were unable to attend school or work after the booster
- How can the FDA rationalize a bivalent booster for babies based on data showing 2 out of 10 tweens and teens get so incapacitated they cannot attend school?
- The FDA and CDC aren’t the only ones at fault. The U.S. Congress has, over the past 30 years, slowly but surely paved the way for legalized tyranny and genocide. What used to be crimes are no longer, and the FDA is actually part of the group of agencies that run the U.S. bioterrorism program
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 1236
This story is widely known now throughout NZ and globally is being watched closely. Links are supplied below to a selection of mainstream's coverage .. to give you an insight into what has transpired so far. The NZ authorities are considering obtaining guardianship of the baby.
Mainstream's stance is predictably one that has little if any sympathy at all with these parents' right to choose which blood their baby should have.
The other more balanced coverage is supplied by Liz Gunn at FreeNZ Media. In fact, Liz has located the parents of a baby in the USA who faced a very similar scenario. The hospital in their case, against their wishes, gave their baby vaccinated blood anyway, the baby developed a clot and he died two weeks later. Tragic. You can hear that interview plus interviews with the NZ parents below. (Note: all of the related info is under the videos).
1. Freedom To Choose Clean Blood
3. Post-Court statement - 30.11.22
4. Court Case Recap With Lawyer Sue Grey
5. Baby Will update - Thursday 1st Dec
6. In Conversation With Cornelia - Mother of Baby Alex
7. Baby Will Update with Dad - Cole. 2nd Dec, 2022
8. Baby Will - Court Case - 6th Dec 2022
9. Cole On The Earlier Operation For Baby Will (Clip)
10. In Conversation With Charles MacKenzie - President of "Infected Blood Australia"
11. Baby Will - Medical Kidnapping
12. Two Expert Paediatric Cardiologists Speak On Baby Will's Case - 8th Dec 2022
13. Cole & Sam - Baby Will update on 8th Dec (Night)
14. Sue Grey - Baby Will's Case
15. Liz Gunn's Statement on Baby Will
16. Baby Will - Medical Kidnap by Starship, NZ Govt and NZ Police (UPDATED)
Baby blood case: Parents accept that some blood products from ...
Health NZ seeks guardianship of baby whose parents are refusing
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 1892
From Life Site News
TWNZ COMMENT: Remember this article from 2019?
A US court case in 2018 revealed there’s been no quality control over vaccines manufactured by big-pharma for at least 32 years
Australian physician put droplets of Pfizer vaccine and blood of vaccinated patients under a dark-field microscope and filmed "bizarre, strange, metallic structures that look like circuitry and microchips" that "seem to respond to electromagnetic fields."
(LifeSiteNews) — A recent analysis of documents obtained by freedom of information lawsuits reveal COVID “vaccine” manufacturers such as Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen are only “figureheads” in the production of experimental injections that are actually produced, fully controlled and distributed by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD).
Research conducted by retired pharmaceutical industry executive Alexandra Latypova discovered that “kind of like an iceberg” these biological products are “made by a consortium of companies” that are “traditional and nontraditional suppliers to the Department of Defense.”
Though the public sees Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen being represented everywhere as the products’ manufacturers, in reality they “are involved [only] somewhat in some pieces of [the production process],” Latypova told Dr. Peter McCullough in an America Out Loud interview released November 8.
In addition, “possession [of the product] is never taken by anybody other than [the] U.S. federal government,” she said, resulting in a situation where the methods of production and contents of these products “cannot be traced.”
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 1678
"It would appear it is now a criminal offense to tell the truth.
That’s because access to over two-thirds of the funds The Exposé needs to operate was restricted without warning towards the end of October, simply because of the work we are doing to expose the Establishment's actions and true intentions.
This has highlighted the enormous dangers of the cashless society that your Government is now trying to impose under the instruction of the United Nations, World Economic Forum and Central `Banks."
TWNZ comment:
The Exposé has been hamstrung by the blocking of access to their funds, kindly donated by an appreciative public. Incredible! This is how far tyranny has advanced. Don't think this cannot happen in NZ. It already has in quiet & surrepticious ways. To his dismay, this man lost everything for exposing corruption. Of course you will never hear about this in lamestream media. (I have heard of others also. Peruse the LG Watch pages at the previous link). Please consider donating to the The Exposé. Their info is always excellent & on point. They are dedicated to digging up and bringing you the truth... clearly at great cost. Note, I am adding related articles below also. There are so many now, from hereon I need to group them rather than post individually. Thank you for reading.
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 1647
We posted related articles at the Rangitikei site way back. It rolls on of course ... there will be no letting up given this is a very long term plan. Below is an excerpt from the Lockstep document (pdf ) ... Note, in 2015 NZ had a military exercise in the South Island with mock scenarios of quelling 'civil unrest' ... TWNZ
This featured article is from
What is the Lock Step Scenario?
Continued emerging evidence of a lock step scenario being executed on societies across the globe shows years of evolving collusions between multiple factions with reciprocal, corrupted and anti-democratic interests. A reliable and favourite independent media outlet of ours, The Exposé, explains where this lock step scenario stems from including leading influencers, in this 28 September 2022 article.
A 2010 report produced by The Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network, Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development, documents a framework for four potential futures. Their Lock Step Scenario outlines “A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback” resulting from a fictitious influenza pandemic.
In reference to the 2020 imposition of pandemic lockdowns, historian, author, investigative journalist and fearless geopolitical analyst Dr Naomi Wolf states (at 4m 55s here) “the only times that any populations have had their assembly restricted are in places like North Korea, or fascist moments like the enclosure of the Warsaw ghetto … I also knew that populations are restricted right before their assets are going to be stolen or there’s going to be an attack on them“.
Photo: screenshot from the Lockstep document
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 1290
This movie is available to view free for what looks like 8 more days now. You will need to sign up with an email but access is immediate. Worth taking the time to watch in an era of so much deception going down.
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 1427
Who is Harari? Find out here in one of our previous posts.
In this video Klaus Schwab and Dr. Yuval Noah Harari explain that humans are now hackable beings.
To learn more about transhumanism read here at
It is why we are hearing about operating systems in the jab. This has been the plan from long ago. It is shocking to ponder if this idea is news to you but it is very real. Elon Musk is another proponent of the idea (who tries to present himself as being for the people. You don't have to search far or listen long to his talk to figure he is all for the globalist plans ... as are many who appear to not be). (If you don't like Icke whose video is at the last link, listen to Musk for yourself. Research his project called Neuralink).
We are to be linked with machines basically. It is about control.
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 2401
The Pandemic of Biotechnology: The Video the NZ MOH, WHO & Youtube Didn't want You to See (Hatchard)
Biotechnology is it providing giant medical breakthroughs or giving us inevitable disasters? And are there alternatives?
I try to answer these questions in my latest YouTube Video:
UPDATE: 13 March 2022
Initially this video ‘The Pandemic of Biotechnology’ was on my Youtube channel. However, they removed it for “inappropriate content”.
According to YouTube, my video had violated the instructions of the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organisation. It had been judged “misleading”.
YouTube offered me an opportunity to appeal, but that only lasted for a few hours and disappeared.
The video contains a discussion of safety research findings around gene therapy.
It references published papers from journals including:
- Frontiers in Oncology
- Gene Therapy
- Cold Spring Harbour bioRxiv
- Frontiers in Medicine
- Nature Medicine
- Gastroenterology
- British Medical Journal—Nutrition, Prevention, and Health
- Environmental Health
- Phytomedicine
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 1325
From the New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science:
Parents of all children, but particularly under 5-year-olds, we urge you to do your research before reaching for the vaccine for children. In addition to listening to the Ministry of Health, your GP, government experts and the marketing campaign telling you the vaccine for children is necessary, safe and effective, seek out and listen to some of the other experts who are not so visible. Remember your job as a parent is to protect your child and to do that you need to be fully informed.
The Pfizer vaccine for children has recently (June 2022) been approved under emergency use authorisation (EUA) in the US for under 5 yr olds. The NZ government has followed the US lead with decisions to approve vaccination in various age groups thus far, so it is likely the Pfizer vaccine will be approved for under 5s in due course. Start your research now so you will be prepared with your questions when the approval occurs and the advertising begins in earnest.
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 1173
Those who think the worst is over better think again—because it really won't be over til WE end it
As (misleadingly) reported in the Independent yesterday (scroll down), the NHS is going all-out “to boost capacity ahead of what is expected to be a busy winter,” what with the looming “combination of Covid and flu.” The plan is to “create thousands more beds,” and take on thousands of new staffers, (ostensibly) to make the NHS a more efficient guardian of the British people’s health. To that end, they’re hiring scads of call workers (including “mental health professionals”), “extra social prescribing link workers” (whatever those are) and “health and wellbeing coaches,” all to be devoted to a vast improvement in NHS services, so as to keep the British people “safe.”
Thus the Independent gives its readers the impression that the NHS wants more than anything to better its performance for the greater good. The only hint that something else is in the works comes way down in the 13th paragraph, as an innocuous aside:
Planning is also under way for an autumn Covid-19 booster programme as well as the annual flu campaign.
That’s the story crafted for the public. Meanwhile, in its recruitment ads, now circulating only to a select group of call-center employees in the UK, the NHS is telling quite a different story:
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 1430
I’ve just interviewed the one and only Jon Rappoport, who launched his website over 20 years ago. Jon is now 84 years old but continues with his prolific output and is always at the forefront of exposing global scams.
We talked about:
- identifying the COVID-19 fraud in early 2020
- why he started investigating virology 35 years ago
- why people need the virus narrative
- the state of the health freedom movement
- plus much more!
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 1505
A young Romanian woman Tabita, who lived under communism as a child and who saw revolution warns folk to stand up before it is too late to do so. A must watch. TWNZ
Café Locked Out’s New Goal
The Deplorables Epic Road Trip
Recording Australian Voices Everywhere
For Australians Everywhere
"We are attempting to capture a history they are already trying to erase."
~Michael Gray Griffith
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 1832
A board member of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “anti-corruption” initiative is also Reuters CEO. . .and a Pfizer board member, according to The National Pulse. Nothing like multiple conflicts of interest! But considering that WEF is the originator of “The Great Reset” and a plan for 2030 where everything and everyone is completely controlled by a globalist government, it’s not surprising that their “anti-corruption” board member would have questionable ties.
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 1427
A few days ago [late May] the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) edited their Monkeypox page to alter the narrative in a few key ways.
Firstly, they removed a paragraph from the “How do you get Monkeypox?”section.
Up until a few days ago, according to archived links, the Monkeypox page said this, regarding person-to-person tranmission [emphasis added]:
It’s very uncommon to get monkeypox from a person with the infection because it does not spread easily between people.
…this has now been totally removed.
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 1410
(NaturalHealth365) COVID-19 tests have been the center of controversy throughout the pandemic, with concerns about false negatives, false positives, and overall inaccuracies that seem to have done more to drive hysteria and stoke fear rather than help people stay well.
Now, one more theory about these PCR tests based on strange research at Johns Hopkins University poses a grim picture about what world elites would be willing to do to mass-vaccinate the planet.
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 1367
Recently the NZ SIS was advertising for surveillance officers "for surveillance against subjects of security interest".
Now we hear Bill Gates is planning a pandemic army that will require some 3,000 surveillance officers.
"Making NZ safe and secure".
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 2447
"...families in Tokelau had been under house “isolation” [house arrest] for over seven months. Yet this issue was receiving little to no attention from local media." All under the watch of Ross Ardern, Jacinda Ardern's father, who has incidentally, just resigned. House arrest means no swimming, no phones, no working from home, no leaving home even. This is since July 2021, all for declining the NZ Govt's 'gift' of the (untested) Pfizer jab. The option to work from home was removed after the second round of the 'free jab'. Note well, this is a country that at the time of this travesty of justice, there was not a single case of covid to be seen. A must read, with three videos there to keep you up to speed. Please share this. EWR
In 1962, Samoa became the first Pacific Island Nation to move from being New Zealand administered to self-governing successfully. An entity with a Samoan administration, endorsed by the United Nations and made up entirely of qualified Samoans.
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 1770
From Red Sky in the Morning blog @ Wordpress
The Fine Art of Lethal Dosage Testing
Craig Paardekooper, a pharmaceutical sciences student at Kingston University, has tracked the patterns of deployment of toxic Covid 19 vaccine batches. He presents evidence of collusion between Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen.
Even though the subject matter is appalling, this is a very dry and detailed video. If you’re pushed for time I’ve made a transcript. This is worth listening to.
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- Category: Covid Experimental Injection
- Hits: 1459