"All roads have led to this. The convoy emerged out of a failure by governing officials to listen to the people, not just some of the people but all of the people and to move with the science as science does what it is supposed to do; observe, then replicate then change its findings in light of new data. " J James
All roads have led to this. The convoy emerged out of a failure by governing officials to listen to the people, not just some of the people but all of the people and to move with the science as science does what it is supposed to do; observe, then replicate then change its findings in light of new data.
All checks and balances that denote an honest system were censored leaving people little room to do much else and inspired by the Canadian Truckers - kiwis have jumped in their cars and headed to the capital to get the politicians to hear them.
Lies have been told, no mandates, no one would lose their jobs, she lied. We know the outcome of that. without apology, without explanation a hard punitive and divisive line was taken by Jacinda Adern's government, throwing representative democracy to the kerb. Under emergency powers, which by the way, when this is over, should never ever be allowed to happen again by any sitting party.
Looking back over the past two years we have seen a draconian punishment measure for those who relish freedom to choose. A foundation of human expression, human freedoms and human right is the ability to choose what medical treatment we allow on our bodies more so if it’s an experimental one. Whoever in this day and age thought that these could be take away so arbitrarily so completely by hysterical models that have proven incorrect? A failure every step of the way.
Every step of the way this whole thing has been an epic failure.
Failed Models predicting millions of deaths – now scaled back to reveal financial incentives to report deaths from covid, rather than died of gunshot wounds but had a covid test and it was positive so therefore died from covid as happened recently here.
A failed health system that could offer NO alternatives such as the standard Vit C or Vit D
A failed government response that not only denied provable preventatives but directed the Ministry of Health (sic) to punish doctors who dared prescribe them and to gag the rest.
A failed government response that has caused more damage in terms of suicides, mental health issues and financial ruin for so many than any virus ever could have. The response has been the most damaging thing this country has ever seen with an unforgiving arrogant young PM pushing it at all costs. To save face or bound to agreements made in secret?
A failed government and medical system that has failed spectacularly and disgracefully to honour those team NZ members who did the right thing and took the experimental mRNA biological treatment. The health system and the government has abandoned them, denied the causation of jab and ill health, leaving hundreds of thousands of kiwis adrift or suffering and dying alone in the trenches. Alone and in pain to protect a dangerous industry and precious roll out. They did however reluctantly admit the thing causes serious heart damage, but never once paused to stop the mandates or the roll outs.
We can either see this as a horrendous failure or a contrived plan - and or the potential for real change.
I have seen the minutes of the Medsafe meeting in early 2021 where the regulators worried about the waning of the injection, and wondered about the risk to benefit ratio of such an experiment. I have also seen the minuets of the recent discussion held about the 5-11yr olds via an OIA, where they admitted that there is little safety data, that the trials were not long enough to determine long term risks but will watch the rest of the world's children to see if they suffer and or die. These are the regulators that advise the government.
Let’s remember at the very start of this Medsafe only gave provisional consent for a limited number of people not the whole country, as well as having many concerns and knowing it waned after time.
Let’s remember how this was such a rushed through experimental treatment, new, novel never been used before in large populations, and only a short trial period, that as it turns out had so many serious side effects and deaths that they did what they have been criminally convicted for – they lied – they covered up they deceived. Let’s remember this because the Ardern government based their campaign on a lie: A deceptive lie.
Deception number 1
It was not a vaccine in the traditional sense. But using the word vaccine helped people accept that it was just like all the other jabs they have had in their life. It wasn’t. it was new, a novel technology and as we have just found out was a shaky risky technology to boot. Medsafe were right to have doubts and place conditions on it
Deception number 2.
The Government the Prime minister and the Ministry of Health began a campaign based on this thing being safe and effective. It isn’t. It was never designed to stop transmission according to an Official Information request. Nor was it safe as Medsafe and MAAC Medicines Assessment Advisory Committee minutes reveal.
Nor was it safe as thousands clog ACC phone lines with serious side effects.
Nor was it safe as funeral homes are at their busiest globally.
Nor was it safe for our teens our males and now our wee ones.
Nor was it safe for anyone at any university, any hospital or any organisation to speak out about how not safe and not effective it was.
Deception number 3.
Trust the science. Whose science? – all science seems to point back to it not being safe or effective. But great lengths were gone to, to misinform the public. Citing scientific reports that were later found to be written by the industry or those invested in the industry. Science is by its nature observation, and as emerging observations of warnings began to be seen so also was it realised that there were serious side effects from this experiment. Instead of shutting down the experiment, moves were made to censure, to quell, to stop any information that challenged the official narrative so as not to stop the official roll outs. The main stream media, everyone colluded in this suppression and omission of emerging data. They did this by calling everything mis information or conspiracy theory. But as we can now see, the withholding of credible information by well credentialed professionals, experts in their field was the correct information that a sane society would have embraced had it been told.
Deception number 4.
Denial and demonization of proven preventative treatment in favour of an experimental never before used gene altering biologic. The denial of preventatives known to prevent death and dire outcomes was called mis information and severely punished. This was nothing more than propaganda to push a narrative.
Mis information was only something everyone else did not the health officials not the new ministry of truth, the government, not the talking heads paid quite handsomely to deflect the warnings of the new emerging science. Remember this was an experimental treatment given EUA – Emergency Use Authorisation - which meant it was not approved in the standard time-honoured way, which we now find out had serious faults in all its testing but was nevertheless allowed to be given to the public en mass – even to pregnant women which was always a no no in drug trials, despite the known dangers.
Let’s be clear here, this is not a conspiracy theory, this is fact. Those in power including the PM conspired to push this treatment onto the population despite the known risks. The result of which has seen many hundreds of people die, from the very elderly in care homes to babies still born, dying after birth or after drinking the toxic residue coming through breast milk. Globally and here in New Zealand our babies are dying and being injured. Five-year-old and up wards are experiencing heart attacks, blood clots and death and these are just the tip of the ice berg. And no one knows the longer term affects. Reports of cancers, HIV, and other serious health effects are beginning to be seen overseas where the thing has been pushed longer than in New Zealand.
Thus all avenues have been closed for kiwi voices to be heard by an insensitive system, leading to the only road they could have taken under such draconian and tyrannical actions of the state.
Hundreds of thousands of ordinary kiwis – both injected and not, lined the streets and over bridges, many in pouring rain to support those who on behalf of all of us have decided enough is enough these mandates, these passes all must stop. I was there I saw so many happy maskless smiling faces, and many many open hugs with strangers and signs saying THANK YOU. Hundreds of thousands of ordinary kiwis are cheering from home out of sight of the cameras.
If main stream don’t understand what this convoy is all about or why people don’t like them it's because they have been gatekeeping the real truth while demonising those who dare to bring it to light.
Lets get real here ...
In a working democracy/society, responses to this virus would have been flexible enough to flow with the emerging data. It’s quite shocking and deeply disturbing that in this 21st century the age of technology the only treatment officials would allow is one experimental new form of treatment from a criminally convicted industry while simultaneously denying proven preventable treatments or even giving any real health advice. We know the reason why but its not in the scope of this essay at this time.
The convoy has risen in response to unfair unjust, tyrannical actions by an unfeeling and out of touch government and health system.
In a working democracy this would have been recognised.
In a working democracy, a healthy democracy, government representatives would have sat down with these people and listened at least, and acted at best. This moment gives government an opportunity to do the right thing and work with the people not against them.
To act as public servants.
To act as representatives of the people
Will they?
That's their choice and it is a choice - they make that choice as public servants and as government representatives, supposedly for the people.
Already the speaker of the house is issuing trespass notices and initiating police action.
Let us remember this because what they do now will either have to be a show of force, and violence towards peaceful people many who have their family here; great lesson for the kids who have all been excited to see and be part of such an historic moment.
Make no mistake this is historic and the world is watching. What the government and its officials do now will determine what the people do next and make no mistake this is our lives, our families our jobs that this government has destroyed by making secret agreements with Pfizer, putting industry before the wellbeing of people. Betraying a good portion of the country using coercion bullying and force.
Realise also that many people didn’t want to get this experimental jab, they did so because they had mortgage/rent to pay, families to support and to see. Most did this reluctantly and are now paying heavily for it with their health and some with their lives.
Soon, there is another round of mandates for the booster, every 3 months now and which according to Israel doesn’t even work on this variant. Expect more civil unrest. Its natural in a healthy society, its common sense when a government refuses to listen to the bulk of the people. And don’t for one moment think this is just a small section of NZ society. It isn’t. Its an expanding one.
Mandating boosters is unsustainable. First people were told it’s a two-shot injection to get your freedom back now it's as many as they say and if you say no – your status – your freedom to do things is taken away - freedom in that sense is only dependent upon how willing one is to get boosted or the new term is – updated.
Remember no government under any circumstance has the right to take away your freedoms your rights and when this is over that ability has to be changed so this can never happen again - lest we forget.
Let’s pray for rational mature action by the government and its officials to discuss this with the people and come to a mutual agreement without resorting to state violence: That’s divisive and wrong on every level.
Time to end the mandates, and passes.
This is a failed experiment and what I am seeing is a failed system failing.
These are the times where there is so much potential for positive change and growth. Let this moment be that.
Photo: stop the mandates CREDIT: ordinary kiwis using their power
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