From FreeNZ (Liz Gunn)
Fortunately this woman was calm and quick thinking. Very impressive, yet disturbing. Were they concerned for her mental well being, no way would she have been treated as she was. A must hear & indicative of the way NZ is going. TWNZ
Pamela Taylor, a Kiwi mother who voiced her concerns during the covid mandates, tells us her harrowing story of being unjustly detained, against her will, in a mental health facility.
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- Category: Censorship
- Hits: 1460
"This will supersede the NZ Bill of Rights, which was designed to guarantee our freedom of thought, conscience, expression, and religion".
This was to be expected. With DAME Ardern now in sunnier climes lecturing at Harvard on her favourite topic, censorship, her mission here done and dusted she's moved on, far from the clamour of the thousands of injured. The globalists always look after their own, witness the new title, and remember Sirs Douglas & Key also notorious for their treasonous exploits? As the good book says, you will know them by their fruits. And so here it is. The loyal carry on the agenda with further plans for shutting down truth, repackaged as 'disinformation'. Watch next for the 15 minute cities. Aussie's Coffs Harbour folk are pushing back on this one as more and more begin to wake up to the scam. TWNZ
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- Category: Censorship
- Hits: 6321
From Truthstream Media
A look inside what is happening with digitized books and who can access them. There’s clearly more to the quiet disappearance of hard copies than meets the eye. Brilliant research as always by Truthstream Media. The clip is just 42 mins long.
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- Category: Censorship
- Hits: 1346
The Lord of the Rings trilogy is spectacular, with Orcs, Elves and breathtaking scenery filmed on location in New Zealand. The special effects were good too – the eye of Sauron looked very realistic – perhaps it is.
We have come across a minimally redacted 28-page draft of a Kiwi Government document entitled “Communications approach to managing disinformation, online harms and scams” dated 10 Dec 2021 (Available here).
The document’s aim appears to be coordinating countering disinformation seeking to harm “by threatening public safety, fracturing community cohesion and reduced trust in democracy.” All well and good then; it’s a bit like saying, do not open fire on the Red Cross.
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- Category: Censorship
- Hits: 1274
by Pam Vernon
Not this list.
The censors have been busily deleting, blocking or shadow banning online articles in the ‘awful’ event you may be led astray by the ‘antis’. In NZ’s case, they cannot have you thinking for yourself when your nation has only one source of truth … woe betide anybody whose toe crosses that line.
So here we have: “A collection of hosts files and filter lists to make the world a better place”.
I happened across this list the other day actually quite by chance. On it are all three of my WP sites, this one, plus here and here. They are classified as anti-V (you know that word) when in fact two of them have nothing whatsoever to do with Vs. Cast your eye down the very very long list and you will see the scope of forbidden topics in fact spreads far wider that the V. Another thing I’ve noticed are little bright red exclamation marks next to my site links … not safe to visit! The author does invite you to get in touch & make a case for not being on the ‘list’ … but as with most things nowadays, the onus of ‘proof’ is placed on the ‘recipient’ and not on the accuser, where it should be.
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- Category: Censorship
- Hits: 1273