man writing

"It is time for New Zealanders to put their Government on notice. No one is taking our freedom away."

From ... Updated: Sep 5

Originally published August 23rd 2021 by Off the Beaten Path

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It is time for New Zealanders to put their Government on notice. No one is taking our freedom away.

Dear Prime Minister, Attorney-General, Minister of Health, Minister of Covid, Minister or Seniors, Director General of Health,

We have heard a lot from you and your Ministers about the importance of public health. However, what we have witnessed over the past year seems to have less to do with health and more to do with control.

While we are not experts on Covid, we are experts on us, and what it takes for us to thrive and exist in a meaningful productive way in this great, free country of ours.

In the face of a new seasonal flu like SARS-2, most Kiwis are pretty good at increasing their intake of Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc. We tend to get plenty of exercise out in the fresh air, and lots of sunshine hours. If we do catch the flu, we stay at home and rest until we’re better. We ensure our diets are filled with good quality fruit and vegetables (preferably organic) and ideally plenty of home grown, grass fed red meat. A healthy immune system is, of course, the foundation for good health.

And every year, the clear majority of us survive whatever coronavirus comes our way.

On the subject of good health, the Ministry of Health will no doubt be aware of the numerous peer-reviewed studies and papers written and readily available online, which show very clearly that there already exists a number of immune therapy treatments for SARS-2 – such as Ivermectin.

At the time of writing, there have been 63 studies conducted on 26,422 Covid patients showing an 86% improvement for early treatment and prophylaxis. A new study has just come out of India showing Ivermectin obliterated 97% of Delhi cases.

Ivermectin is a safe, cheap, readily available, approved anti-viral therapeutic which has been used successfully for years to treat RNA viruses. Ivermectin continues to be shown to be a stand out success in the ‘fight against Covid’ and so one imagines if good health was indeed the driving focus of this Government, you would seize upon something like Ivermectin. And yet you did not. Why not?

The only remedy that this Government has ever pushed, from day one, was an experimental gene therapy rapidly rolled out by Big Pharma. So rapidly that these therapies will not even complete their trial phases for another two years.

Of huge concern to all of us is that your commitment to Pfizer has been to agree to offer up your own citizens as the human trial population, while at the same time freeing them from any liability from vaccine injury or death.

Which brings us to the death count from the experimental ‘vaccines’.

In New Zealand, as at 7 August 2021, Medsafe reported 26 deaths and 9155 adverse reactions, (up a staggering 50% in just one week). Of much interest however is that NZDSOS (New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science) now confirm through their own reporting at the coalface, that the fatality rate is currently 117 vaccine deaths and at least another 100 severely injured (heart attack, strokes, blood clots etc). Though that number is now likely to be much higher.

So, fhe fatality rate ascribed to Covid in New Zealand thus far has been 26. And yet, NZDSOS are now reporting that the death rate from the vaccine is more than FIVE TIMES this figure.

Prime Minister, we locked down an entire country for 26 deaths. In light of 117 vaccine deaths, why on earth are you not shutting down this vaccine rollout immediately?

To provide further context, you will also be aware that in any given year we lose around 500 New Zealanders to the seasonal winter flu. In fact, by comparison to the seasonal flu, SARS-2 is a very close cousin in that it’s a single strand RNA virus which affects the respiratory tract. We live with the flu and we get on with our lives.

Of significant interest is that worldwide in respect of SARS-2, studies show that the global infection to fatality (IFR) rate is less than 0.15%. And yet, the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) saw fit to declare a pandemic? On what basis? By what standard?

The W.H.O. also know now that there are serious issues with the veracity of the PCR kit. In fact, Kary Mullis, the late Nobel Peace Prize winner and inventor of the PCR himself, had always impressed that the kit was never intended to be used for the purpose of diagnosis. And yet you continue to use this as a diagnostic tool when it is known to also identify other lingering similar coronaviruses in the DNA left over from previous colds and flu’s which the individual may have long since recovered from. To further compound this pickle of a problem is this statistic: PCR produces as many as 95% false positives when used.

Prime Minister, please advise what your methodology is for determining whether a ‘case’ is actually a case. Science and common sense would suggest that the only true and accurate way to determine a patient is presenting an illness is through a physical examination to identify what their symptoms are. Your suggestion that an ‘asymptomatic’ person can be a ‘case’ not only flies in the face of decades of practiced medical science, but is a misleading lie of the most grotesque kind.

Another question then for you Prime Minister. Just how many of the recent ‘Auckland outbreak’ ‘cases’ that have plunged this country back into house arrest, are actually false positives? If we know PCR cannot be used to confirm a case, doesn’t this suggest your Government has a huge problem of credibility on its hands?

Or could it be that this pandemic was never about the virus? Could it be that the real agenda is something darker, more sinister?

Let’s look at the measures your Government has introduced to so-call ‘flatten the curve’ of this ‘dangerous virus’.

It began last year with the lockdowns. Confining New Zealanders to house arrest for weeks at a time. Forbidding family members from seeing each other, hugging each other, holding our elderly mother’s hand as she passed away. We were made to queue for food, made to stay 2 metres apart so we didn’t ‘infect each other’, forced to ‘mask up’, hide our smiles and breath in air our body was trying to expunge. Businesses were closed down, the ability to earn an income gone, stress levels were through the roof, violence and suicides rates up. We were prohibited from using playgrounds, swimming pools, going to the beach, hunting and camping.

The next phase was the surveillance. You called it ‘contact tracing’ which made it feel less innocuous. You suggested it was a good idea to ‘sign in’ everywhere we went so that when a new ‘case’ was ‘identified’, you could quickly stamp it out. This quickly instilled fear into our population with sadly, people beginning to view each other with growing scepticism.

You have now made this surveillance ‘mandatory’. No doubt for the good of ‘the team of five million’.

Simultaneously you siphoned off travellers and those ‘infected cases’ into purpose built facilities to isolate them from the rest of the population. You have spoken of the use of ankle bracelets as a means to ‘allowing us’ to return to open borders. Have you actually lost your mind!?

We are now in the throws of a ‘vaccine rollout’ or the ramping up of the New Zealand trials. You celebrated yesterday the milestone that a million of us have ‘got the jab’. A couple of questions for you Prime Minister, we are curious to know when the forced vaccinations will begin. Does the idea of injecting healthy people with a dangerous drug sit well with you? Does the knowledge that these vaccines are killing more people than Covid by the day concern you? If not, perhaps lockdown might just be the perfect time to reaquaint yourself with the Nuremberg Code. And trials.

Which brings us to the vaccine passports. Your view has clearly changed from a year ago when you assured us unvaccinated people would not be punished. That doesn’t seem to be the case anymore, does it. Prime Minister, are you now telling us that there will be fellow Kiwis, neighbours, work colleagues, members of our own families who will no longer be able to enter a place of worship, a cafe or restaurant, gym, garden centre, school, in fact any place of business – or enjoy a well deserved holiday abroad, unless they can ‘show their papers’. We all know what that smells like … Comrade.

Your fear-based propaganda has been hugely effective in pitting Kiwis against Kiwis. Those who live in fear vs those who choose not to. Those who believe you vs those who do not. Reminiscent of the horrors of Nazi Germany, and I might add, just as profoundly horrifying in its outcome, particularly when one observes the increasing practice (encouraged by you) of neighbours righteously dobbing in neighbours. No wonder people are asking ‘are the unvaccinated the new Jews?’

And speaking of the Holocaust, is it too soon to mention the ‘camps’ (sorry ‘Centres for National Resilience’?) Or is that just an Australian thing?

So, fast forward a year and here we are in another nationwide lockdown. But this time there is a noticeable change. Instead of fear, we are seeing resistance. We see it in the small business owners and farmers who have had their lives and livelihoods decimated. We see it in the mothers of children who are now being told their kids no longer need parental consent to get the jab. We see it in the healthcare workers in rest homes up and down the country forced to stay silent when the jab kills another patient, or run the risk of losing their job. And we see it in the eyes of thinking individuals who, having done their own research to verify verify verify the now overwhelming facts, data, studies and evidence provided by the many, many brave and principled medical doctors and scientific experts, are no longer satisfied that you, their Government have their best interests at heart.

Could it be that the team of five million is starting to wake up to the real agenda?

Or could it be as simple as the fact that your average, hard working Kiwi, having done his sums, has decided that a 99% recovery rate from a seasonal flu does not a pandemic make. That vaccinating and quarantining healthy, happy, productive Kiwis just Does. Not. Make. Sense.

Prime Minister, you are hereby on notice. We. The. People. regard our freedoms as essential and non-negotiable. We will not stand by as you illegally, immorally and unethically remove (temporarily or permanently) what is left of our freedoms, our rights, our property and our self-reliance.

In case you have forgotten, might we remind you that the proper role of Government is to serve The People and to protect us from those who would initiate force. Not to be the ones to subject us to said force.

Prime Minister, we call time on your so-called ‘pandemic’. We will not stand by while you destroy this beautiful country of ours, and the Kiwis that live here and choose to call it home. We do not subscribe to your fear-mongering and we most certainly do not subscribe to your diabolical, draconian unnecessary use of force.

Your type of government is called tyranny, and must not and will not be tolerated.

History has taught us that lesson.

Yours faithfully,

The Team of Five Million


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

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