"Deep Politics: Professor Peter Dale Scott — who popularized the term ‘deep state’ — describes it as a private parallel government and observed that every decade there is a ‘deep event’ that resets the political trajectory of the United States." Steve 'Snoopman' Edwards
By Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards, 2 February 2022 [Dispatch No. 001]
In this heretical first Letter to the Future from the ‘Time of The Crazy’, Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards sketches the ‘anatomy of resets’ as mechanisms of deep state-planned events to alter the trajectory of a society. He outlines counter-factuals that point to a racketeering transnational syndicate of Corona Bandits. Therefore,Dispatch No. 001 of this series locates the present techtonic geo-political shifts as a Techno-Feudalist revolution to reset the world’s structural forces, amid Western Civilization’s Third Hundred Years’ War — in a gambit to forge a universal empire ruled by the winning 3D chess players.
More specifically, this Global Corona Coup D’état is exposed as an expression of Fifth Generation Warfare, that is designed to attack a culture at an unconscious level and in the process reconstruct the identity of an entire class, culture, or civilization, while the victims are unaware they are in a war.
Dear Humanity,
A metaphorical voodoo spell of epic proportions has been cast over Earth.
At present, ‘our world’ has gone crazy, näively following the unhinged edicts of governments amid an alleged super-killer respiratory ‘viral outbreak’ that was claimed to pose a calamitous threat to sentient humans.
Simultaneously, humanity has been gaslighted to think that a person is a ‘conspiracy theorist’ if such a mortal dares to hold a politically dissenting view. Especially, if such a mortal supplies counter-factuals to show that ‘the pandemic’ is an engineered crisis inflicted by a transnational deep state network of Corona Bandits to reset the structural forces of the planet onto a desired trajectory.
The sudden pivot across the globe to a totalitarian bio-security operating system belies a geopolitical agenda that originated from a pay-grade well above the level of the presidents, prime ministers, premiers, governors and mayors.
Yet, relatively few people — including many psychiatrists, psychologists and pundits — comprehend how sophisticated conspiracies plotted by élite criminal syndicates work.
For the last 22 months, it has been clear to me, and a growing number of friends, that a reset of structural forces we anticipated had been triggered when the U.N.’s World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a global pandemic.
In the preceding years, most of us didn’t know what type of reset it would be. A couple of friends picked bio-terrorism.
We reasoned that a cover-story would be packaged to deflect attention from the deployment of a new global monetary system.
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