The continuous bad news and growing body of emerging data on the risk of myocarditis after the mRNA ‘vaccine’ is literally heartbreak for the children and their parents or caregivers and also for the adults who trusted in the ‘safe and effective’ narrative but now find they have a condition which can range from mild to severe. Due to the fact that the ‘vaccine’ is new technology, no one is certain of the long-term outcomes for those who suffer from this side effect.
Myocarditis is a condition in which the heart muscle cells become inflamed and do not function properly. Some cells may become sufficiently inflamed that they die and are replaced by scar tissue. If too many heart muscle cells become damaged or swollen, the heart may not be able to pump efficiently. The inflammation in the heart could also affect electrical pathways and may cause the heart to beat in abnormal (and potentially dangerous) rhythms. Some people who suffer with Myocarditis may end up needing a heart transplant.
As the nation awaits the findings of the vaccine induced death in the case of 26 year old Rory Nairn, New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) is more than curious to know what recommendations the coroner will make to the government. A spokesperson for NZDSOS says myocarditis “has happened before and has kept happening since Rory died, it will keep happening until people start telling the truth and stop censoring the messengers”.
New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science has written extensively to the Prime Minister, MPs, the Ministry of Health, Chris James and all relevant responsible government agencies drawing attention to the potentially serious side effects from the ‘vaccine’. While they are aware of the risks they clearly have not caught up with the emerging science and data findings to take greater caution and honour the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm. We sincerely hope for all those affected by this condition and for the sake of the health of our children that Medsafe immediately halt the vaccines for those under the age of 18 years as Denmark has done and as the UK has for those under the age of 12 years.
DOWNLOAD: NZDSOS-media-release-Kids-heartbreak
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