"Now imagine this... You have several high needs kids who you fought to get help for, including funding which you absolutely NEED ... Well this Govt have taken it upon themselves to ignore the V developers own advice that precludes anyone with known anaphylaxis to ANY ingredient taking the vax, and ONLY allowing exemptions for those with anaphylaxis to 2x ingredients- 2!! F**k the rest right???
TWNZ comment: this should surely cause you to ask questions about the agenda here ... do you really believe that this is about the health and welfare of this woman and her children?
Gemma, a New Zealand mother of multiple high needs children
Posting this personal message sent to me by Gemma this morning....sharing with Gemma's permission.
Hi Lynda, I don't know who to turn to or what to do, I'm absolutely beside my self..... I have just been declined exemption from 2nd and subsequent jabs...
I'm ready to fight because this is crap and I will likely die- I'M NOW HAVING 10+ SEIZURES EVERY SINGLE DAY - but I don't know where to start or how...
I'll copy and paste my story - as I'm post arm surgery so it's easier!
Ok I debated posting this, I'm not a fan of conflict. But No, this is NOT right, this doesn't make ANY sense. So I won't be sad if I'm unfriended, because hey if my life isn't important to you your only here to be nosy anyway!!
So the scenario goes... As everyone is mostly aware I have multiple allergies/anaphylaxis to the point I very very rarely eat any food and everytime I do including a single bite of say lettuce I pay for it majorly. With this I'm anaphylactic to Sugar - Sugar = Sucrose - Sucrose is part of the Vax make up - as a stabilizer. For context I can't take alot of supplements/drugs that contain Sucrose as a stabilizer due to reaction.
Well this Govt have taken it upon themselves to ignore the V developers own advice that precludes anyone with known anaphylaxis to ANY ingredient taking the vax, and ONLY allowing exemptions for those with anaphylaxis to 2x ingredients- 2!! F**k the rest right???
Now imagine this... You have several high needs kids who you fought to get help for, including funding which you absolutely NEED - people think I'm super mum, I'm not, we are here with little outside support and when u are dealing with not only your own major health issues that leave you incapacitated some days, but also having to give cpr to a child who STILL chokes on thin air, protect heads and airways from seizures, deal with everything that comes with multiple asd kids who are VERY dif, attend multiple appointments all while homeschooling 3 kids due to those health needs, when I say it's VERY important we have that help I mean it.
Now imagine being in my situation and being MANDATED to take a V that could kill you, in order to LIVE, in order to continue to have that help funded - FUNDED is the word...
Now we aren't monsters we arent even asking anyone else to do this care - it comes from within our house! MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.
So yesterday after having an apt Monday with high risk team - absolutely against every grain in my body I had my 1st C V yesterday. I was in a high risk clinic where they will only do 1 per day, I had 6 nurses, 4 with me at all times including watching me on the toilet (that was fun when your reactions dictate toilet use
5mins Post vax - yup anaphylaxis, treated with adrenaline only for 20mins later to have a rebound anaphylaxis- more adrenaline steroids the works thrown.
I'm alive at this point, however possibly now having some sort of seizures... all because WE NEED HELP? HOW THE F**K IS THIS FAIR, HOW IS THIS LEGAL, HOW IS THIS OK AND ACCEPTED AND PUSHED by all you idiots who think that this is OK. Anti vaxxers as people call pro choicers are pro choice for a reason YOU DONT KNOW THEIR reasons, YOU DONT KNOW THEIR medical histories... Instead of vilifying US, instead of discriminating and segregating, you open them eyes and see this situation for what it IS and it sure is NOT for the good of our health, because if it was - MY HEALTH, MY LIFE would have mattered far bloody more then this. (ps for all you naysayers everyone else over 12 in this house ARE vaxd, including the 2 who were never allowed more imms after severe reactions as babies)
Have the V don't have it, you ALL have your reasons 4 and against, but don't hate on the person you you used to treat as any other human.
Remember you'll were screaming at the top of your lungs for anti bullying earlier in the year, get back on that train
(Tik Tok video of Gemma below)
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