sign semi submerged in flood

Joining dots on the recent hurricanes, flooding and other disasters world wide (a collection of links coming soon from the disasters in the US, Spain and more recently Ireland). The dot joining was sparked by recent videos drawing attention to various anomalies surrounding disasters, particularly the activities of NASA planes just prior to flooding, in particular, regarding Hurricane Helene.

You may recall the appearance of a strange ship before the Spanish flooding. I go on to link some of the similarities with events in NZ involving aircraft and the scouting out of mineral and other resources contained in the various targeted lands. As with any dot joining, it's 'watch this space'. I figure time always tells, plus it all usually tracks to 'follow the money'. Of interest in light of recent revelations regarding the corporate interests of David Seymour and how they may link to his desire to meddle with NZ's Treaty of Waitangi.

This first video is by the Weather Modification channel at Rumble, draws attention to the electrical anomalies occurring around the time of Hurricane Helene, including the strange flight path of a NASA aircraft. Also highlighted, is that this was around the time of the 70th anniversary (October 13, 1947) of the first ever cloud seeding experiment that demonstrated a hurricane could be steered. Named Project Cirrus. (Note, those who still think it's all conspiracy. That term was a handy go-to originating with JFK's assassination, created to deter any would be questioners of the official narrative.)

"On the afternoon of October 13, 1947, an Air Force B-17 aircraft penetrated a hurricane 415 miles (667 km) east of Jacksonville and dumped several pounds of crushed dry ice into the storm, just to see what would happen.  This was the first attempt to modify a tropical cyclone by seeding it with freezing nuclei.  It was almost the last." NOAA

See also an article from Weather Modification History (WMH). Provided is a pdf of the history of Project Cirrus.

See: Alexa Calmly Tells Stunned Americans Hurricane Helene Was Artificially Created, By Cloud Seeding

(Click on the video image to take you to the source: Weather Modification channel)

 hurricanes and nasa planes

 The next video from DR's channel at bitchute explores the weather reports around that time, predicting heavy rainfall before the hurricane ever intensified, and looks more closely at the flight pattern of the aircraft. It's pointed out that the aircraft may not be NASA as the particular plane can be hired from NASA.

NASA plane prior to helene

Adding to the mix is interesting info supplied by the Weather Modification channel again regarding lithium deposits in another area where NASA planes have been seen also doing circuitous routes.


Now if you search lithium and Helene there are pages upon pages of 'fact checks' and headlines with the term 'conspiracy theories' would've noticed no doubt that that frequently tells us it's truth. Certainly the events surrounding this and other recent hurricanes, including NZ, particularly, given it exhibited the ever more familiar markers... no immediate official rescue operations (if at all), the suspicious release of dams in the area, amplifying the flooding exponentially, private rescuers who are threatened with prosecution, poor alarm systems that fail to warn victims in time, if at all, censoring of true mortality numbers, silencing of whistleblowers about those numbers and about the severity of the disaster, diversion of publicly donated monetary aid so it never reaches the victims and so on. I will cover all this in my coming article about the hurricanes.

Factual or not (and again, time will tell) those who are following the events of those people who are relentlessly pursuing world takeover, will know that they certainly have their eyes on the rich resources within the various nations they are targeting with disasters, now too unusual to call normal. Fires, flooding and earthquakes. (Go here for articles at TWNZ that show likely indicators of these being man made). Recently I've posted at EBS, info about James Seymour's interests in the Atlas Network his ties to corporate exploitation, providing some insight perhaps, into why he is currently employing the time worn tactic of divide and rule, via the Treaty Principles Bill. Pesky indigenous peoples don't like seeing their lands raped and pillaged, destroying the environment and the wildlife. Thwarting those lucrative mining interests. So let's just fiddle a bit more with the 1840 agreement signed in good faith by the said indigenous. Seymour is succeeding in the division camp however he's encountering fierce opposition. (See here also). Which also brings me to previous info regarding the East Coast of NZ that the corporates have long been eyeing in light of its rich mineral resources. A former NZ detective highlights what he believes to be a link between mining and 1080. The article cited is over a decade old.

I've also posted info at EWNZ on an incident from the eve of the first Covid (scam) lockdown in NZ, when a large passenger aircraft was seen flying a very odd & circuitous route around the East Coast of NZ. It was explained away predictably as 'nothing to see here'. However, throughout the lockdowns ensuing, there were multiple captures by various people including myself, of aircraft flying weird, small (&large) circuitous routes in areas right up and down the country. 

It does all look like they are scouting out the land for resources under the ground. Watch and see.


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HAARP and the Turkey & Syria Earthquakes

Hawke's Bay's 'managed retreat' Part 2: Agenda 2030, the depopulation of certain NZ areas & the 1080-mining link

Avoid the FEMA camps, rescue centers, ships & planes: Hurricane Harvey rescuer reveals shocking info (New updates from recent hurricanes)

  Those who rule over you have weaponised the water

Alexa Calmly Tells Stunned Americans Hurricane Helene Was Artificially Created, By Cloud Seeding


Header image credit: with thanks,





Category: Weather Warfare
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