The removal of poultry and eggs from your food supply (as NZ authorities poise to cull 80K chickens)
NZ authorities are about to cull 80K birds from a free range South Island chicken farm. Yes it's been planned prepared for long ago, the possibility of another dreaded plandemic, from the same crew who practiced prepared for the last one. Remember Event 201? The subsequent 'safe and effective' that wasn't? Be watching for any plan to release further vaccines without traditional safety or efficacy data.
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- Category: Vaccines
- Hits: 860
Last month, New Zealand’s Ministry of Health published an interim update to its Pandemic Plan. The Pandemic Plan they used during the Covid pandemic was published in 2017, so if you thought things were draconian last time, just you wait until the next one.
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- Category: Vaccines
- Hits: 722
Although Dr. Douglas Hulstedt himself is without a doubt that vaccines caused 40%-50% of the autism cases he saw in his practice, he told Steve Kirsch during an interview that vaccines cause up to 90% of the autism cases according to a doctor practising family medicine in Louisiana who has treated over 8,000 cases.
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- Category: Vaccines
- Hits: 1781
I had only in recent years awoken to the fact that this jab is not what we are told. I do clearly recall their giving no explanation for it except that 'it's a vitamin'.
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- Category: Vaccines
- Hits: 2137
From Jon Rappaport via
Big Pharma tried to bury a shocking study that found dangerous heavy metals in all vaccines tested. According to Jon Rappaport this 2017 by Dr. Gaiti opens up a whole new field: the investigation of nanoparticles in vaccines where none were expected. “Such particles are not medicine in any sense of the word,” says Jon Rappaport who adds that it was a “bolt from the blue, a complete shocker” and he asks. “How many cases of childhood brain damage and autism can be laid at the door of nanoparticle contamination?”
Jon Rappaport wrote “an extensive piece” on the study and has updated it this week. I think this information will anger and upset an awful lot of people like myself who have had children who have died of SIDS, have brain damage or autism and certainly should have brought down the empire.
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- Category: Vaccines
- Hits: 1902
Before you submit your teen to this jab ... a must read.
Kiwis, note the deaths of 3 NZ girls. Note below also, the coercion that clearly can occur in your absence.
"40 deaths out of 29,323 study participants is 1 death for every 733 subjects. Merck wants you to believe this is normal and “consistent” with what is “expected in healthy adolescent and adult populations.” In what universe does 1 out of every 733 healthy adolescents and young adults suddenly drop dead? (So much for that “1 in a Million” has a serious adverse reaction crap.)"
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- Category: Vaccines
- Hits: 2522
No conspiracy. Check out the evidence here of infant deaths following the jabs.
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- Category: Vaccines
- Hits: 1845
Vaccination – A Clear and Present Danger
“Take the profit out of the manufacture and administration of serums and vaccines and they would soon be condemned even by those who are now using them“—George Starr White M D
A new vaccine campaign is just days away and despite the fact that the “safe and effective” tagline has been shown to be a complete lie over and over again since 2020, there will no doubt still be some takers of the toxic, dangerous jab. However, “Very few people realize that the worst “epidemic” ever to hit America, was the Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after-effect of the massive nationwide vaccine campaign.” which is claimed Eleanor McBean, and as an “on the spot observer” her research and books should certainly make them change their minds.
Particulalry when seeing quotes such as “The doctors told the people that the disease was caused by germs. All the doctors and people who were living at the time of the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic say it was the most terrible disease the world has ever had. Strong men, hale and hearty, one day would be dead the next.“ McBean wrote this in 1976, however, we are reading similar today.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
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- Category: Vaccines
- Hits: 2157
From the odds ratios, it's clear that at least 75% of all cases are caused by the childhood vaccines. However, the medical community will never acknowledge they are responsible for this error.
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- Category: Vaccines
- Hits: 2489
The 25 books in the ‘History of Vaccination’ series shed light on the history of vaccines through the eyes of doctors, scientists, and historical data. They answer the pressing question: “Are vaccines safe and effective?”
“I can conclusively say that vaccination is the biggest fraud in medical history,” Trung Nguyen wrote. Since 1796, the year the first smallpox vaccine was introduced, every generation has been burdened by disease due to vaccination, he said.
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- Category: Vaccines
- Hits: 2385
From Steve Kirsch
TWNZ note: Former Aussie Detective Chris Savage has revealed similar about 'Shaken Baby Syndrome' - parents charged when in reality it has been brain damage from vaccination. See this link.
Executive summary
A police officer in a town of 350,000 investigated 3 to 4 SIDS cases a month for the past 7 years. She realized early in the process that gathering vaccine data was useful. So she has 7 years worth of data and it shows that over half the cases happened within 1 week from a vaccine.
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- Category: Vaccines
- Hits: 2072
I asked "Do you want to see irrefutable evidence that vaccines cause autism?" She replied, "That evidence cannot exist. All the scientific studies show vaccines do not cause autism. Good luck to you."
Moments ago, I called Alison Singer on her private cell phone. She’s the President of the Autism Science Foundation (ASF). Here’s the ASF’s Twitter account.
The reason I called is that I learned that the beliefs of the ASF are based on solid science. I know that because it says so right on their website: “All of our statements are backed by evidence-based research and are meant to serve as a guide for families navigating complicated hot-button issues.” See? It’s all science-based! It doesn’t get any better than that!
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- Category: Vaccines
- Hits: 2389
From Steve Kirsch
Confirmed in yet another study in the peer-reviewed literature. Not that it will change anyone's minds in today's world. But I thought I'd point it out anyway.
More vaccines in early childhood are correlated with higher mortality rates.
Bottom line: The vaccines are doing the opposite of what your pediatrician told you; they are increasing the risk your child will die.
And if your child doesn’t die, more vaccines increase the risk of a large number of chronic diseases. It’s nearly a straight line up and to the right.
Stop giving your kids vaccines.
Watch the video here.
Image by Klaus Hausmann from Pixabay
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- Category: Vaccines
- Hits: 2122
I recently did a survey on "overnight autism" cases and found that 33% happened 1 day after a vax shot and 50% happened within the first 3 days after a vax shot. So there is absolutely no doubt vaccines cause autism in my mind. This post, written by my friend "A Midwestern Doctor," goes into detail as to possible mechanisms for how this happens. - Steve Kirsch
One of the most challenging things for me throughout my time in the medical field has been watching children become neurologically damaged by vaccines, and the widespread blindness of the medical profession to this issue. Unfortunately, because so much money has been spent to engineer the societal belief that vaccines do not cause autism, anyone that asserts otherwise is immediately subject to widespread ridicule, to the point it’s mostly a lost cause to convince medical professionals vaccines aren’t always safe. In many cases, the only thing that can open their eyes is their own child being severely injured.
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- Category: Vaccines
- Hits: 1662