"Have you seen any analysis of the NZ data posted by any prominent epidemiologist showing it is safe? I haven't and it's been almost 1 year since I set the data free.
The lack of transparency is stunning.
If you want to show whether the vaccine is safe or not, all you have to do is compare the time-series data from New Zealand to the time-series data from a safe vaccine published in a paper in the peer-reviewed literature.
Except for one small problem… no such paper exists because the health authorities refuse to release it.
Why would they do that if the vaccines are safe?" ...Steve Kirsch
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 392
Note: this data has now been removed from the freenz channel by order of the NZ Corporation (parading as a government). They don't want for you to see it. Ask yourself 'why'? Would you not be interested to know that more than 30 people jabbed in the same clinic on the same day have all since died? In a normal world that info would produce a public outcry. Instead we have censorship & silence ...you can read/watch more on topic however at this link ... TWNZ
Barry Young was a data analyst with the NZ MoH. He noticed when collating the data on the vaccinations NZ wide, an unusually high number of deaths post-covid injection.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 3003
From seemorerocks.is
Post from NZDSOS on telegram: On 13 September 2023, shortly after NZDSOS filed a case against the Medical Council of NZ, the infamous ‘Guidance Statement’ which ensured that all medical professionals toed the party line and only spoke about the benefits of vaccination, has been revoked.
Image by Rob van der Meijden from Pixabay
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 2036
From Liz Gunn, FreeNZ, shared @ expose-news.com
"In one clinic, in one day 30 people were covid injected and all 30 have died"
“Before the recently held elections, Gunn was contacted by a whistle-blower and given documentation showing that tens of thousands of New Zealanders’ deaths are linked to the injections”
Former TV presenter Liz Gunn published a video update yesterday describing an instance of one clinic in New Zealand where 30 people received a covid injection and all 30 of them have died, within the same time frame.
Liz Gunn (Elizabeth Cooney) became internationally renowned for her support for the family in the Baby W case, where two parents objected to the use of covid-vaccinated blood in transfusions. The parents were unsuccessful in their court action to oppose health authorities seeking guardianship to allow surgery to go ahead. At the end of June 2023, Gunn launched a political party called the New Zealand Loyal Party.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1995
New Zealand official birth and death figures for 12 months to the end of June 2023 released.
UPDATED: 17 August 2023 8:15 am.
Stats New Zealand released the official figures for births and deaths for the period 1st July 2022 to 30th June 2023 today. The short summary accompanying the release of the horrifying figures compares these to the previous 12 months and reports increases in deaths and reductions in live births. 2022/23 figures would have best been compared to the July 2018 to June 2019 totals, the first available pre-pandemic period. We report this comparison below.
There were 38,442 deaths among all ages for July 2022-June 2023 compared to 33,753 deaths in the 2018/19 comparable period. This is an increase of 4,689 deaths (up 14%) which occurred at a rate of 90 excess deaths per week.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1929
Why are rugby players (and other young people) collapsing and dying?
Recent Herald articles detail a number of medical ‘incidents’ relating to rugby players. The articles are somewhat confusing and lacking in medical detail but there has been enough reported to be concerned about and for us to have questions. At least four players have been mentioned as experiencing medical events or needing medical care in the last month.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1479
Note: do watch the featured video, it is shocking. Pregnant women beware. These people are flat out lying. TWNZ
A preprint paper published this month, shows that IgG4 antibodies are present in the umbilical cord blood of infants born to vaccinated mothers, highlighting a theoretical risk to newborns of an ineffective response to Covid infection. This highlights just how many unknowns we are dealing with when it comes to assessing what will be the long term outcomes of mRNA vaccination.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1129
Medsafe’s website has a Q and A page about Covid vaccines. One question previously on the page was about whether the Pfizer vaccine prevented transmission of Covid 19.
Does the vaccine prevent or reduce transmission of COVID-19?
At this stage, we do not know if vaccination prevents or reduces transmission of COVID-19.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1303
The Doctors have raised the question nobody much is asking. That all of these sudden deaths, many are young people (as featured in this short video) ... if they are vaccinated with the mRNA jab, the jab needs to be considered causal until proven otherwise. The NZ government is acknowledging just 4 deaths from this experimental injection. NZDOS believe there are many more than that. We are asked, are we seeing any? Information on reporting is at the end of the video. A must watch.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1262
We wonder just exactly what this vaccine was, considering the Pfizer bivalent injection was only approved in New Zealand on 21 December 2022, has only been available since March 2023 and as a special April Fool’s joke has been more widely available to those over 30 from 1 April 2023... NZDSOS
1st Multivalent Vaccine Death in NZ
Some of our supporters have been studying the US VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) database, connecting it with NZ information.
It appears that the more serious and unexpected adverse events reported to CARM, also get reported to the VAERS system.
A report (copied below) was discovered and has piqued our interest. It appears a 70 year old New Zealand woman received her fourth covid injection on 30 October 2022. As reported by her daughter, within an hour of receiving the vaccine she went into a coma and then died 4 days later.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1420
Note: not hard to conceive now is it that the intent all along has been depopulation? If it weren't the authorities from 'the corporation' would be investigating the evidence. Instead, as with the Cyclone death toll cover up they are relying on your ignorance or unwillingness to investigate for yourselves. TWNZ
Te Whatu Ora Are Hiding the Alarming Figures—a Tsunami of Illness
An anonymous source has sent me some internal data from the health department. I am feeling as if stuck in the first few chapters of a dystopian novel. People are mysteriously falling sick and dying in large numbers.
Everyone is looking over their shoulders and wondering if they are next in line. Slowly the realisation dawns that perhaps the authorities themselves have a dark secret they are trying to hide.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1358
From Steve Kirsch @ Substack
Wow. Finally crystal clear government data shows the more you vax, the more likely you are to die from COVID. This is the OPPOSITE of what the US health authorities and medical community told us.
**** WARNING ****
I just learned that the data in this article comes from the results of a New Zealand FOIA request combined with published numbers on the official website (see the entire thread here).
The FOIA request does NOT ask for COVID-related deaths and the results provided were not age-stratified.
Therefore, I am currently unable to replicate these results, even though the results are consistent with other data I have from other sources.
Clearly, the all-cause mortalities are up in New Zealand in 2022 vs. 2021 by 4,500 deaths. Yet there is a high vaccination rate (82% of the entire population of 5.123M people) which they claimed is why they only had 2,331 COVID deaths. So why so many all-cause deaths? Clearly there is something that is killing these people.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1272
Photo: expose-news.com
From expose-news.com
The year 2021 was one of hope and promise for New Zealand, as the world began to recover from the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
But according to official figures quietly released by the Government of New Zealand, the opposite happened.
The island suffered 2,169 excess deaths in 2021 and then a shocking 5,286 excess deaths by week 49 of 2022. These are terrifying figures for a small island with an estimated population of just 5 million.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1412
From nzdsos.com
Once More With Feeling: SADS Again – A 2nd Round
Mainstream media is at it again, the NZ Herald promoting ABV (Anything But the Vaccine) disease – also known as SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome). Trying to suggest that this flood of sudden unexpected deaths has always been with us, but no-one has noticed, is gaslighting and diversion. And lies, lies, lies.
Yes, they really do think you are as stupid as they are. But we are living in the most astonishing times, so bizarre that some people retreat into denial and ‘normalcy bias’, where they interpret negative warnings in the most optimistic way.
In reality, sudden unexpected deaths in vaccine recipients, are DUE TO THE SHOTS UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE. So yes, many are due to the shots, and won’t be proven otherwise.
In normal times the experimental drug, procedure or vaccine would have been considered causal until meticulous investigation proved it was not.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1441
Note: the video will shock you! A must see! ... TWNZ
From Gary Moller
I received this email from a fellow Kiwi. I will not comment other than to add that New Zealand is feverishly building its mRNA research and manufacturing capability, spending many millions of dollars on doing so. And guess who is going to be on the receiving end of these millions of doses of gene-altering drugs?
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1620
From hatchardreport.com
"...if there is one thing that the public has figured out, it is the lack of efficacy of Covid vaccines. They don’t seem to prevent transmission, hospitalisation, or death."
… in the Belief the Public Will Swallow Anything, No Matter How Absurd...
It is surprising what tripe you read in the newspapers, and more surprising—the government is funding it. Te Punaha Matatini hosts the government’s Disinformation Project, which is hitting the headlines again. According to Principal Investigator Kate Hannah (MA in history), the government should be allowed to dictate to high street stationer Whitcoulls which magazines it can sell to the public. Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t this a bit close to book burning?
Hannah is concerned that the magazine New Dawn has questioned the efficacy of the Covid vaccines (among other things like Atlantis and fake Moon Landings). I don’t read New Dawn, but if there is one thing that the public has figured out, it is the lack of efficacy of Covid vaccines. They don’t seem to prevent transmission, hospitalisation, or death.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1755
From seemorerocks.is
Blood Clots Causing Death – How Can The Coroner Confirm the C-19 Jab is Unrelated?
Executive Summary
1. Coroner states 17-year old Isabella Alexander’s death from multiple blood clots following her first Pfizer jab was not due to the vaccine as the coroner had been shown no evidence of a connection.
2. There are multiple lines of evidence implicating the spike protein as a cause of clotting, known since before the jab’s rollout. What post-mortems do occur are hurried, superficial and inadequate to identify underlying causation of the clots.
3. Isabella had an inherited genetic variation making her more liable to a clot if other factors are present – including using the contraceptive pill, but obviously also the mRNA injections that turn the body into a spike protein factory and create inflammation. However the media are blaming Isabella and besmirching her memory.
4. The government’s drug watchdog Medsafe was aware of data pointing to elevated clot risk and chose to do nothing, including not informing the coroners or pathologists. This is massive negligence.
The government’s main propaganda website, Stuff, has exposed teenager Isabella Alexander’s medical history to the world in a flagrant and desperate attempt to blame the victim again, and keep Pfizer off the hook. Isabella died on September 10th 2021 with blood clots in legs and lungs, shortly after her first Pfizer vaccine. Incredibly, Coroner Janet Anderson wrote “there is no evidence available to me to suggest that the Pfizer vaccine had any role in her death”.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 2039
From hatchardreport.com
Goodbye 2022—the End of the Impossible Dream, in Fact a Technology Nightmare
Make 2023 your turning point.
Phew!! What a year. Aren’t we all glad to say sayonara. But what drove the events of 2022? What can we take home to help us rebuild in 2023?
During the last four weeks, 197 people have died with Covid. 95% of these were fully vaccinated, far more than the proportion of the population who are fully vaccinated. Beyond that, excess all cause mortality is running at 15% above the long term average as it has for most of the year (currently about 100 extra deaths per week), with no credible explanation from the government or the Ministry of Health. Something has gone horribly wrong, and everyone in authority is keeping mum. The public are being kept in the dark.
2022 was a technology fail—big time. Biotechnology, education, finance, food, politics, communication, trade, farming, justice, employment, globalisation, media, and health all taught us that aspects of modern technology are tearing civilization to pieces. The inherent weakness of fast technological change was suddenly revealed by the pandemic. We had a glimpse of the miserable colourless future that much technology is promising. Some people gave up, some people didn’t notice, and some woke up.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1458
NZDSOS are well experienced in the determined disregard of Covid-19 evidence by New Zealand authorities. The same steadfast disdain is being experienced across the globe by anyone attempting to engage with officials in an endeavour to inject evidence, rationale and humanity into the so-called “public health response”. Anyone might think there was a global plan to cover up the evidence of harm.
Extremely high quality documents have been sent to New Zealand authorities who cannot say that they remained unaware of the evidence, mountains of which they continue to ignore. Anyone with an ounce of interest in public health and safety is now awake to the fact that governmental responses have violated not only the available Covid-19 evidence but scientific, academic, medical, societal, political, moral and ethical norms. Most interventions pursued by our political class were known to be ineffective before the pandemic occurred, and most interventions enforced upon populations sit on a linear scale somewhere between ineffective and harmful.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1462
From hatchardreport.com
Yesterday I was enjoying a cup of tea with Gary Moller overlooking Wellington Hospital. Over the course of an hour, there were six flights of rescue helicopters presumably ferrying injured or sick people for emergency treatment. Gary tells me the current frequency of these flights is very often at a rate unprecedented over the many years he has lived there. At night we hear the wailing of ambulance sirens.
Wellington is the seat of government. I wonder if our politicians have noticed? Or are they just putting a brave face on the carnage? When they read the international papers, do they wonder about people collapsing or dropping dead suddenly? Are they concerned about the record levels of excess mortality? As very few of them answer the concerned emails of their constituents, we can only guess what they are thinking. We have entered the political era of the unbelievable. Don’t ask, don’t answer, and talk about something inconsequential.
There is another approach: admit that something has gone horribly wrong, but make up a story blaming it all on the unvaccinated. This is the approach of Raymond D. Palmer, who describes himself as Chief Scientific Officer of Full Spectrum Biologics based in Perth, Western Australia.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1290
As the published Covid science narrative evolves overseas, Professor Baker is doing his best to prop it up here with his own special brand of magic beans.
At this point in time, the research findings of harm from the Pfizer vaccine have become overwhelming, but Baker is sticking closely to the safe and effective fantasy.
Even the most timid amongst us, fearful of visiting the internet, might have noticed that the vaccine doesn’t actually work, but Baker, in a kid gloves interview with Sean Plunket of The Platform, reassured us all that the mRNA biotech vaccine was still protecting us from serious illness and death. Is this misleading us?
The incredibly pro-vaccine Washington Post varies from Baker. It has now finally stopped holding the line. It headlines with “It’s no longer a pandemic of the unvaccinated”. It reports that even the US CDC, with a lack of a centralised health system and with its penchant for figures that exaggerate vaccine effectiveness, are roughly estimating that 58% of Americans who died from Covid in August are vaccinated. So the vaccinated are dying of Covid contrary to the Baker doctrine. Unbelievably, like Baker, the Post thinks this means we need more vaccines???
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1242
From FreeNZ with Liz Gunn:
"For the last 1.5 years, he has asked every family that came to his funeral home whether there was a jab involved. 95% said yes, in the last two weeks."
TWNZ comment: We have posted here a previous interview with Brenton Faithful. This interview is as explained in the video info cited below. Brenton provides some quite disturbing observations. One in particular is the official response given to a fellow funeral director who reported to the NZ Herald, his concerns about excess deaths. This is a must watch & do share it around ... it contains important information:
We recorded a first interview with funeral director Brenton. We are publishing it now, as it contains the information Brenton was seeking to explain to Sean Plunket, who attempted to bully and deride him at the time.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1489
From hatchardreport.com
For a few months now, we have been writing about record high all cause death rates. We are not alone; highly vaccinated countries around the world are having the same problem. So why is no one taking any notice?
Lives have become a little cheap. Apparently, no more so than in the minds of some of our journalists. Lynley Ward is the news director of the NZ Herald. Last night the Herald published her assessment of elevated all-cause mortality so far in 2022 under the title “Covid-19 Omicron outbreak: Infection deaths behind New Zealand’s record 2022 mortality rate“. Yes, she is right. Infection deaths are behind New Zealand’s record 2022 mortality—a long way behind. The unhappy matter of at least 2000 extra deaths in 2022 unrelated to Covid doesn’t seem to bother her. It bothers me.
The article discusses a lot of data but manages to hide the obvious—deaths are up all round and it’s not due solely to Covid. We are told that the elderly are dying, that Maori and Pasifika are dying too young, and that deaths are affecting all age groups. Sadly these stats have always been true. What is actually worrying about the 2022 figures?:—Many more people are dying among every ethnic group and every age bracket, too many to dismiss as inconsequential or blame on Covid
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1195
Investigation into Record Levels of Excess All-Cause Deaths is Required
To: NZ Police Commissioner Andrew Coster
Acting Chief Coroner Anna Tutton
I very much appreciate your role to protect the public and inform the bereaved in the context of our system of criminal and civil justice. Your role must have been especially taxing during the pandemic, since many of the issues involve specialised knowledge of novel biomedical interventions. You have no doubt been guided by qualified experts.
I am a person with experience in the analysis of social indicators, including crime, health, quality of life, and economic indicators, using time series analysis and panel regression analysis. I was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID). Our company used methodologies from the cutting edge of biotechnology research.
It appears from the most recent record of adverse effects of mRNA vaccination reported to CARM and tabulated by Medsafe that 177 people have died proximate to vaccination. A much larger number (64,041) of non-fatal adverse effects have been reported. Medsafe reports (Table 8) that in general the recorded number of deaths has been lower than the expected number deaths in the monitoring period. No doubt you have felt reassured by this analysis.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1578
Injecting Children with the mRNA COVID Gene Injection – or Any of the COVID Injections – Can be Very Damaging to Their Developing Innate Immune System.
We have written extensively on the increased deaths in young people, e.g here, particularly, and the elephant in the room causation that is the covid-19 jab program. This real life horror movie is covered in a new post by resarcher Peter Halligan, one of many analysts who has followed the UK government’s official monthly stats with morbid fascination and dread.
Our title above is that of a vitally important and straightforward plea to parents by Dr Paul Alexander, to understand the risks posed to developing immune systems by Covid-19 injections. An expert in epidemiology and evidence based medicine, university professor and member of the Whitehouse Covid-19 Taskforce in the early days of the pandemic, Dr Alexander left Washington after seeing how medical politics was clearly trumping good science.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1130
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern wants to treat words as weapons and crack down on them. Which may be the reason that we haven’t heard much about the farmer protests that are protesting carbon emissions targets that will destroy their business. Ardern also says that she supports a global World Health Organization with international laws. Yikes! These are all concerning proposals. We’re watching New Zealand! Sign up for our Free DAILY newsletter delivered right to your inbox first thing in the morning. ➜ https://redacted.inc
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1291
This article is from expose-news.com and is dated July 3, 2022. A timely reminder however of what is happening ... and of what we are now seeing more glaringly.
Still some are in denial but others see the higher all-cause death rate for what it is. Some of us are not gazing skyward wondering what on earth could be causing it, refusing to confront the elephant in the room. This is none other than deliberate. If it were not then why, in the face of these exponential death rates, are they not pulling back? Other vaccines historically were withdrawn at less than a hundred deaths. And we have far more than a hundred according even to official statistical data globally. Instead ... they have now added this kill shot to children's routine vaccine schedules! And it's well known children are not even at risk of Covid. They continue to push it onto pregnant mothers when we now know it was never tested for pregnancy, and sadly we are now seeing the damage. Beware people. Share these items of info folk are posting everywhere. Search on Bitchute, Rumble, Odysee, Brighteon and others, or our pages here... there is ample evidence by Doctors and Scientists and most importantly the injured and the bereaved. TWNZ
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1240
From Counterspin Media via seemorerocks.is
Episode 77: New Zealand Doctor & Midwife Whistleblowers with Dr Alison Goodwin (NZDSOS) & Midwife ”Sally”
Following our recent in depth interviews with funeral directors and embalmers (episode 74) and Dr James Thorp OBGYN (episodes 75 & 76), we now dive even deeper into the situation on the ground here in New Zealand.
Two medical whistleblowers feature as we continue our inquiry into what is happening to pregnant women, since the roll out of the Covid-19 jab.
First we speak to NZDSOS Dr. Alison Goodwin, who goes through Government & Pfizer documents demonstrating the contradictory advice being given to medical experts.
Dr. Goodwin confirms doctors are being silenced and are being prevented from doing the best by their patients.
Our midwifery whistleblower confirms she is gagged.
The abnormalities she is seeing with pregnant mums has left her no choice but to tell the world what she is seeing.
Heavy bleeding, clotting, calcified placentas and a HORRIFIC increase in miscarriages amongst other things.
This information needs to be shared far and wide.
If you like this episode please consider donating at https://www.counterspinmedia.com/donate
MCNZ Informed Consent:https://www.mcnz.org.nz/assets/standards/55f15c65af/Statement-on-informed-consent.pdf
MCNZ Guidance Statement: https://www.mcnz.org.nz/assets/standards/Guidelines/30e83c27d9/Guidance-statement-COVID-19-vaccine-and-your-professional-responsibility.pdf
Pfizer RMP:https://medsafe.govt.nz/COVID-19/Comirnaty-RMP.pdf
Medsafe Comirnaty Datasheet:https://medsafe.govt.nz/Profs/datasheet/c/comirnatyinj.pdf
New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science: https://nzdsos.com (Beware imitation sites with .nz domains)
Photo: Image by Dale86 from Pixabay
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1747
From garymoller.com
We all have friends and family who still believe their Government is benevolent, who think their response to the pandemic has been marvellous, and the mRNA jab is safe and effective. But, of course, the opposite is the reality: Our Government has declared war on its people. They are working for insane foreigner technocrats, who intend to turn us into a totalitarian state, the vaccine is neither safe nor effective, and they are doing everything they can to hide the extent and gravity of their crimes.
Despite the obvious, in-your-face lying about these crimes, for most people, including myself, comprehending the reality and gravity of the situation is far from easy. But unfortunately, continuing to believe monumental lies is the easier path to follow for many people. They may argue that they are too busy, that they already have too much on their plates to deal with. We are told by the Government and their advisers, like the Pink Lady, who is our expert about everything, that they know better than you or anyone else about what is going on, and to such as extent that they'll fire and publicly ridicule anyone who questions their truths.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1391
From garymoller.com
"Paramedics, hospital staff, doctors and funeral directors know what is happening. Still, most remain silenced by fear of retribution or drunk on the money they make from the extra deaths, and, in true Orwellian Double-Speak fashion, MSM spews out lies fancifully dressed up as truth"
This week is almost over, and I had another three people seeking my assistance with managing their severe heart problems (as far as I'm concerned, all heart problems are severe), plus two with neurological damage - all coinciding not with the infection but with the mRNA jab. The ambulances and helicopters are busy around the clock ferrying jab victims to Wellington hospital. We know this because the helicopter's flight path to the hospital is past our home, and we can hear the sirens of the ambulances as they rush yet another victim to the hospital. We were woken yet again around 4 am yesterday by the helicopter.
Photo: garymoller.com
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1514
From Coronavirus Plushie
This is a 'video version' of Leighton Smith's most recent podcast (No.176). Leighton Smith and
Dr. Guy Hatchard discuss the Covid-19 vaccines and vaccine adverse events such as myocarditis,
the breaking of the social compact between the government and the people, distortion of public
information, increasing control or influence over the media, the age of social engineering and the
lessons to be absorbed from poorly-scienced public health ideas. And is the next pandemic “Anxiety
over Life Itself?”
Included in the video are screen recordings of the articles that are being read and screen shots of
the studies that are cited. Where I felt it complimented the discussion I have also added news reports
and clips of Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1627
Counterspin has interviewed all three on their platform. The well known now, John O'Looney who first spoke out about the anomalies he's seen since the jab rolled out particularly the white substance found in the veins of the dead. Embalmer Richard Hirschman similarly speaks out, and more recent whistleblower, NZ's Brenton Faithfull joins in with his voice. (See previous interviews here with Brenton. There are notes below the video at the link outlining their details.
As the death toll continues to rise, and as whistleblowers like these three men are ignored or sacked, it is all the more important you dig into the detail of what they warn us of. TWNZ
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1507
From hatchardreport.com
We have just had local body elections here in New Zealand and we were entertained with the spectacle of Jacinda’s government-funded medico-political platform in full flood.
If you want a metaphor from popular culture watch Divergent in which good people whose profession is to protect society get injected and become compliant oppressors.
Stuff newspaper, in conjunction with sophisticated websites and government-funded scientists, led the campaign charge and sought to identify and publicly attack any candidates who had safety concerns.
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1482
Recently we posted another interview with this brave and honorable Funeral Director Brenton Faithfull … his interview with Doctor Matt Shelton from NZDSOS. This interview with Liz Gunn follows up on his experience since the hit piece published by Stuff.co.nz. He is simply asking the questions MSM is not asking, nor is our government and instead, continues in its urging to ‘get jabbed’ rather than investigate the elephant in the room … very high all cause mortality stats in NZ. (See here also). Listen at the link below. TWNZ
Whistleblowing Kiwi Funeral Director Brenton Faithfull
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- Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
- Hits: 1481