hospital corridor

The title to this post belongs with an excellent video by The Patriot Nurse @ YT
You will hear a concise overview as the title suggests, which is a good lead in to an article posted at Dr Mercola's website, titled, Playing God | An Investigation Into Medical Democide in the UK (related video supplied below, now gone from the Mercola site).

Be prepared, it outlines scenarios, some of which folk in NZ even have encountered, a warning to heed the words of The Patriot Nurse. NZ folk have passed on their personal stories to me at times that relate to the Liverpool Care Pathway, a gigantic misnomer. It relegates the patient to 'nil by mouth' including water. Families are sometimes not told that their loved one is on it. Nor is it explained what it is. I do know of an example in one of the major NZ hospitals where a healthy elderly patient who had only fallen over, was kept in hospital for a few days for observation and was dead within a week. I've also personally seen others within family placed on this evil protocol. I say this not to scaremonger but to inform you that the info in the UK video is by no means confined to the UK. We are after all part of the UK. You need to watch out for your loved ones in hospital.

Here are some links to examples in the UK of families who encountered the LCP:

There is one article that has now disappeared from the relative website, also not found in the WayBackMachine. I've added it at the end. (See topic at the website of

This topic is of great importance at this time as we've seen with the recent plandemic. Dr Vernon Coleman has been blowing the whistle on it for decades, and he is banned and censored wherever he tries to publish. He has written many books on topic, an excellent source of information.  All links below. (Click on the images to play the videos).

10 things you must know re hospitals

10 Things You MUST KNOW Before Your Next Hospital Visit

medical democide in UK

Playing God | An Investigation Into Medical Democide in the UK

I will add further links as they come to light. The topic is becoming more and more relevant as we see reports of folk who are now being encouraged to accept euthanasia.

Researching improvements to the care of the dying patients

and their families

The Marie Curie Palliative Care Institute, Liverpool is a partnership between Marie Curie Cancer Care, the University of Liverpool and the Royal Liverpool University Hospital.

The core aim of the Marie Curie Palliative Care Institute is to improve the care of the dying patient and their family. 

The Institute has an international reputation and its multi-professional team collaborates with centres of excellence both nationally and internationally. 

The focus is on the care of all dying patients and their families, including pain and symptom control, psychological, social and spiritual care. 

Improvements in care are achieved through research studies that generate robust and reliable evidence. 

This evidence informs healthcare professionals on the best way to support patients and their families in the last hours and days of life and highlights changes required within health care systems to enable practitioners to provide better care.

The Institute is perhaps best known for developing the Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying Patient, which is internationally recognised and widely used for the care of people at the end of life.

The Learning and Teaching Division of the Institute drives the knowledge transfer agenda, leading the way in provision of training for clinicians and other allied healthcare professionals in various aspects of palliative and end of life care.

The division occupies a unique position in undertaking pioneering research in this field as well as engaging in clinical and teaching activity.

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Original link (now dead)


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