head of poisoned deer

Photo Credit: Clyde Graf

Just this week the UK Telegraph has been warning us of the next possible plandemic, with their eye this time on your pet cat that might be putting us all in danger:

Experts have long regarded pigs as one of the greatest zoonotic threats to public health because their cells allow viruses to mix and mutate, creating new strains capable of causing human pandemics. This is how the 2008/09 H1N1 swine flu pandemic started and it is suspected that pigs in Haskell country, Kansas may have triggered the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic which is estimated to have killed between 50 and 100 million people. Now a new study suggests that pet cats could be just as dangerous – and could provide the bridge that allows H5N1 bird flu to mutate and jump to humans.

We should be very afraid and be looking to getting rid of our pets, or so they'd have us believe. Meanwhile the Guardian is hyping it up by warning all pregnant women who contract bird flu will die!

They've actually been targeting cats in NZ and elsewhere for some time now.

NZ’s Tokoroa is hiring a shooter to cull feral cats – watch out for your cat

1080 to be used by Aussie govt to kill 2 million feral cats using aerially dropped 1080-laced sausages

We've also been targeting possums, deer, birds, rabbits, tahr and other animals considered by our conservation authorities to be pests. They even reward children these days for their efforts in killing them.Then there's the NZ poultry farm in the South Island that recently had to have its birds culled to the tune of 80,000 plus.

Predator free 2050 – creating a generation who ‘find killing animals weirdly addictive’

In NZ here we have Pest Free NZ (PFNZ). It fuels the production of 1080 poison a lucrative business. Here begins the unravelling.

The poison 1080 is a deadly poison NZ uses with impunity (has done for 60+ years) claiming it is harmless, breaks down in water and targets pests... it doesn't. It is a very dangerous poison and Doctors are deterred from reporting 1080 poisoning of humans as one MD found out following the death of a hiker that he reported in 2006. The NZ lab lost her heart!

Two scientists who reviewed more than 100 of DoC’s scientific papers say: “There’s no credible scientific evidence showing any species of native bird benefits from 1080 drops”

A farmer who lost 570 ewes following an accidental 1080 drop on his farm said that 6 months later sheep were still dying

(To learn more about NZ's favourite poison go here and here. Particularly informative is the Graf Boys' award winning doco called 'Poisoning Paradise'.  Also, find '1080 poison' in the categories drop down box, top left of page, here.)

To throw some light on all of this seemingly senseless culling and the endless hype about yet another 'flu' strain that looms ready to kill us all, I draw your attention to an excellent article by Jenese James written in 2018. She uncovers the underlying agenda to much of this.

Jenese describes NZ's Pest Free agenda in her article, Who is driving PFNZ?:

There is much more to this story that you can research yourself but the core thing here is that NZ is part of a much bigger extremist idea under the guise of protecting biodiversity – or purism as I call it -  where everything and anything non native and not productive to  human use will be destroyed

What is driving the Pest Free NZ Agenda and the hysteria in eradicating non native species.  Answer - International agreements and a global  agenda [Agenda 21, 2030] to purge all non native species of animals and plants around the world...

All over the world the word has gone out that all creatures great and small that are not indigenous to that land will be terminated.  Its not just New Zealand..

So in the mix of the plandemic threats from lamestream, and the culling of both wild and pet animals, you will see what is really afoot. Do read the whole article.

The plandemic of course kills (pun intended) more than one bird with one stone. They get the next human cull with the new speedily produced, untested, EUA  jab designed for whatever deadly disease presents itself (especially targeting those 'miscreants' who declined the first one) and they eradicate all of the food sources you may draw on in the coming famine that they will have created by destroying farmers, Bill Gates is hogging all the farm land, promoting fake meat production and targeting all good food like raw milk and home gardens. NZ is currently working on the GM front to feed us unlabeled GM poison without even consulting us. We've gotten used to that.

Food Supply Shutdown: Deer, fish, pigs euthanized; crops not planted

On reflection they are actually killing three birds with that one stone. It's long been rumoured that another long term agenda the poisoners have is that of clearing the environment for mining. You can read about that in the following two articles which go into the purpose of all those recent man made disasters we're now seeing world wide. It is all interrelated! One of the purposes of those is land grab:

Hawke's Bay is apparently in need of a 'managed retreat': Agenda 2030 and the depopulation of the East Coast

Hawke's Bay's 'managed retreat' Part 2: Agenda 2030, the depopulation of certain NZ areas & the 1080-mining link

 So it's multi purpose, multi layered rape and pillage by the corporates. All cleverly hidden 'behind the green mask', to quote Rosa Koire.

UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL.----Rosa Koire

Which leads us to the recent revelations about David Seymour's corporate links to the Atlas Network. You can learn about that here.
In more ways than one it is also 'cui bono?'

They wish to deceive we the public into thinking they have our best interests at heart. Saving native species, saving us from so called man made global warming by herding us into 15 minute 'smart' cities, ensuring we own nothing and are happy. Fortunately folk have woken up to the agenda & are pushing back.



Category: Agenda 21/30
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