
"Oh dear there seems to be an official EU watering down of protections previously listed under Resolution 2361 (2021) against mandatory covid jabs and now there's also the mention of EU covid certificates and possible mandatory 'vaccinations' but such policy changes are hidden in other more recent PACE-COE Resolutions.
Beating Covid-19 with public health measures

Resolution 2424 (2022) | Provisional version"
Carmel McCormack


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Right now, they plan to force their "vaccine" passports on us, not through city, state or national governments, but as a GLOBAL imposition

Mark Crispin Miller

Was this sudden war in Ukraine planned as a distraction from the larger war waged by the globalists on all the rest of us? Probably. But whether it was planned that way or not, it surely is distracting us—just as the authors of this nightmare are quietly endeavoring to globalize the “vaccine” passports that, we’ve been assured, will not be rolled out by the (merely) national governments that had been threatening to impose them on us. The article below makes pretty clear that that’s the plan; so let’s not take our eyes completely off the hardball hurtling toward us.

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From via Mark Crispin Miller (links below)

This story is a conversation with Riley Waggaman, who writes about COVID Russia—and does so brilliantly. We recorded the interview for my podcast a week or two ago, before the war began...

In our interview, Riley went in great detail into the ties between the Russian elite and the WEF, as well as funny connections to various pharma companies.

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Thirty years ago, this blogger experimented with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and shrooms. There were rumors back in the 80s and 90s that once you’ve taken acid 10 or more times, you are deemed clinically insane. One week in the early 1990s, at least 10 tabs were consumed. And for a while there, clinical insanity seemed real. Flashbacks and weird episodes happened for a year thereafter. No more illicit drugs were ever consumed again. But in 2022, you don’t even need hallucinogenics, as the sheer insanity that is The Great Reset is like a trip of its own.

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 I saw the analogy drawn recently to the boa constrictor and how with each relax of its grip it then tightens even more. Knowing what we do about the agenda of the globalists this makes perfect sense. It was right there from the start, the promises by JA there would be no mandates. A year later? Mandates. Two weeks to flatten the curve. Two years later? More loss of freedoms. One thing is certain, you cannot trust a globalist. They lie with impunity. TWNZ

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TWNZ Comment:
NZ MSM, the mouthpiece of the NZ corporation parading as a government, is of course telling you nothing of this event. All we have heard from them to date is lies about the activities of the protesters ... throwing faeces, violent tactics and so on. I have personally read many versions of the truth from those I trust on the ground. The only violence appears to have been that instigated by the Police (example) at the outset of the protest (all captured on video) ... and now this episode (example). More to come on that. This article spells out quite clearly what happened on the 21st at Parliament, and why. Any let up on mandates, or any other concessions to protesters IMO, will be temporary at best given the agenda that has been pushed since the outset of the plandemic has been a 'great reset' which remember, promises we will 'own nothing and be happy'. This is Operation Lockstep. (Note, 'they' will own everything & they're well on the way in that end game as we speak). Meanwhile as the boa loosens its grip temporarily, as with Canada's developments, that other colony of the British Empire is in for similar no doubt. TWNZ

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Trudeau Unleashes ‘Emergency Powers Act’, Threatens Crowd-Funding Platforms With “Terrorist-Financing” For Protesters

Update (1715ET): As expected, Canadian PM Trudeau invoked sweeping emergency police powers Monday in his latest attempt to stamp out dissent from citizens protesting vaccine mandates and other COVID restrictions. 

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And back in NZ it's reported (rather than speak to the crowds) the NZ Gov is now playing loud VX and mental health ads from their loud speakers. Earlier (yesterday) the sprinklers were turned on it appears. TWNZ


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Do examine all the links supplied in this article. It's well researched and very feasible. I do recall early on in the plandemic and even recently, that it takes real stamina and insistence to demand an oral as opposed to nasal swab. They just keep declining. Read anyway, and draw your own conclusions. TWNZ

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Updates from Health Impact News: citing many sources: there is talk of cutting internet, clearly also, fuel supplies (as has been happening in NZ), food and aid;  and arrests in Canada have begun as the Police State thugs are rolling out, not .... note.... to have discussions with the peaceful folk camped in Ottawa... but to quell dissension with the iron fist. They are confiscating fuel. As Jon Rappoport comments in his excellent overview of what is happening and why the line needs to be held ... "No one should have expected the government of “obey us” to just sit back and let this convoy happen and proceed, with so many Canadians supporting it." TWNZ

BREAKING: Police begin ARRESTING convoy protesters outside Parliament

Truckers Block Windsor-Detroit Border as Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe Announces End of Vaccine Mandates

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David Icke reminds us how many we are and how few 'they' are. The so called elite ie. They are not elite of course. They are liars and thieves. Time to wake up & see what they are really about, and what the 'great reset' is really about. (Watch also the 'Tiny Dot' video below this one at the link). TWNZ

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"The corruption in "our" government is off the charts. (What's in those documents must be explosive stuff.) Pfizer, FDA Ask Court to Further Delay Release of COVID Vaccine Safety Data"

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They don't want you to know what is really happening in Canada. Folk are rising up. Fifty thousand trucks have occupied space in Ottawa with plans to remain until things change. They're in for the long haul. At this link are live streams. Keep an eye throughout the day. This is all over the jab mandates of course (in case you've been sleeping). TWNZ

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From Coronavirus Plushie @ Bitchute : the agenda behind the passports. Why else are they pushing the jab when there are now shown to be multiple alternatives for health ... all denied or banned. Why else are they covering up the huge numbers of deaths and injuries from it? Just search the official databases (all underreported) and ponder on those figures alone. All found at the left column of our pages. TWNZ

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NZDSOS supports and aligns with the World Council for Health in their call for an immediate stop to the covid-19 experimental “vaccines”.

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By Orwellito, Orwell City: In an exclusive interview for CONUVIVE Mundial (United Nations World Council for Life and Truth), Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger talked about the findings made by her and several scientists around the world about the content of vaccines, mentioning from graphene oxide to parasites and biotechnology.

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This should raise a red flag for you. I imagined that granting the right to consent to 12YOs (without parental knowledge) would be evidence enough that there is something very wrong with the current rollout to kids. If that did not, then surely this will?

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There are many examples of this (mostly posted at the EWR site) ... those game, cartoon or movie scenarios that almost exactly match what is happening on the planet right now. Listen to Max who has had his finger on the pulse for decades. TWNZ

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