hearse with casket and flowers

If you are still in doubt about the reality of the sudden deaths world wide I'd recommend you sub to Prof Mark Crispin Miller's documentation of the evidence. He's paid dearly for speaking out*. He is Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU. Founder of News from Underground. Author of numerous books, including Boxed In, The Bush Dyslexicon, and Fooled Again.

Prof Crispin Miller has also taken note of the very many celebrities' cancelled shows and tours, and of the deaths of celebrity sports people.

If someone in your street dies, or in your wider family, nothing appears untoward. But if children are dying in numbers beyond just one, or 33 nurses die in one week in your country, or in another week, 23 nurses and two doctors, or 9 high school football players in a month ... then you are looking at the big picture. It surely requires investigation. Unfortunately there are none of any substance coming from those who say they are protecting us. We get instead, silence and/or censorship. (Click on the image below to read at Prof Crispin Miller's substack).

*Note: (To sub to this part of Prof Crispin Miller's work is free, his other work carries a paid sub. He has paid dearly for speaking out).



Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
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