
NZ's lamestream media reports on a press conference in Northland where the folk are not too sucked in by the pressure to be injected with the untested, still trialing, mRNA experimental jab.

With typical lamestream bias anybody asking pertinent questions of the (not) esteemed PM Ardern is dubbed a 'heckler' as was the man with a question about Israel, and the woman speaking up loudly about sovereignty is predictably assigned to the 'anti-vax' basket. The conference moved inside, to exclude the 'hecklers'.

No mention of human rights note. That is the real issue on the table here. Ardern is avoiding that of course.

Remember she says we must not talk to our neighbours during lockdowns and her government is our sole source of truth, period. We are not allowed here to question the official narrative on the jab, and in spite of promises it would not be mandatory, we are to be chased down anyway if we haven't had it.

You can hear this bold young woman speaking out in the Stuff video in the article at the link:


Category: CV Injection NZ
Hits: 1590

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