
"Jacinda’s Dr Bloomfield says that only about 4% of those hospitalised were “vaccinated” but he omits to mention all those hospitalised had serious pre-existing conditions — and he also omits to mention the obvious that every case except 2 has recovered."

by Geoffrey and Eva Churchman

Over the past several months we’ve tried to balance Jacinda government and its Legacy Media misinformation on the Pfizer substance (it can not be called a vaccine) which has deliberately avoided mentioning the risks in the soft and hard-sell campaign on behalf of Pfizer. We’ve pointed out that in America, pharmaceutical companies that market prescription drugs direct to end-users are required to mention clearly the side effects and contra-indications — but there is no such requirement in NZ, something which this government and its bought and paid Media companies have exploited.


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Category: CV Injection NZ
Hits: 1988

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