
"The record shows that the New Zealand Government made assurances prior to the 2020 election that it would not mandate vaccines at all. This derogation, or severe diminishment in inalienable rights, by the NZ’s Government is consistent with the forging a new class system that appears to privilege the vaccinated
as Ardern admitted recently to The New Zealand Herald."  Steve Snoopman Edwards

Snoopman News

New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, spins the record claiming her Government has held true to its promise to never mandate vaccinations for all NZers while The BMJ reveals cover-up in Pfizer vaccine trial breaches.

The record shows that the New Zealand Government made assurances prior to the 2020 election that it would not mandate vaccines at all. This derogation, or severe diminishment in inalienable rights, by the NZ’s Government is consistent with the forging a new class system that appears to privilege the vaccinated as Ardern admitted recently to The New Zealand Herald.

Moreover, while this Medical Apartheid Biosecurity System is fast-tracked, NZ’s Medsafe is presently considering Pfizer’s application for its paediatric version of its Covid-19 nano-gene injections.

The U.S. Federal & Drug Administration’s approval of the Pfizer shots for 5-to-11 year olds occurred prior to The British Medical Journal
’s revelations that the pharmaceutical manufacturer’s vaccine trails were falisified in 2020.


In a crammed hotel foyer in the river city of Whanganui on 3 November, New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern claimed that the Government has held true to an alleged stance that it would never mandate vaccinations for all New Zealanders.

This assertion is untrue, because the NZ Government has, in less than a month, extended vaccine mandates from frontline workers to most businesses, public services and private establishments with customers, clients or club members, as well as begun introducing a vaccine passport regime that also coerces the entire ‘eligible population’ of 12 years and over to comply.

Ardern claimed that her Government had not over-turned its stance on compulsory vaccinations because she asserted the issue had always been a question about mandating the vaccine for all New Zealanders. With such mental gymnastics, Ardern has spun the assurances made by her Government, including her Health Minister at the time, Chris Hipkins, and herself in September 2020, prior to the Ardern’ Labour Party being re-elected as the dominant political entity.

Since then, increasing numbers of New Zealanders have begun to question whether the broadening vaccine mandates are necessary, and whether the vaccines are effective, safe and why other health options are dismissed, derided or demonized and what objectives are perhaps served by vaccine passports that appear to discriminate for being deemed to be non-compliant.


Category: CV Injection NZ
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