
"My bail conditions were to stay home 24 hours a day and have police visit at 4:48am, 11:15pm, midnight, 6:50am... All hours of the day and night while I had a 1 year old sleeping" ... (NZ's Vinnie Eastwood ... he has been speaking out against corruption for a very long time. Perhaps you may be able to consider donations at this crucial time for him and his family).
"I was arrested for peacefully protesting the NZ lockdowns which were announced after just one positive test (so far 1 death, a 93 year old with underlying health conditions on end of life medication).
My bail conditions were to stay home 24 hours a day and have police visit at 4:48am, 11:15pm, midnight, 6:50am... All hours of the day and night while I had a 1 year old sleeping.
They also banned me from accessing THE internet or using any mobile device and confiscated my $2500 iPhone that I use for my work and (since August 18) have refused to return it.
These were clear violations of my freedoms under both NZ and international law and I face 2 charges of up to 6 months prison for protesting and up to 3 months in prison when I remained silent in custody even when they asked for my phone's password.
After several months in court and a $13,000 NZD Lawyer bill,
My bail conditions were relaxed 2 weeks ago,
So I'm back on air and able to leave the house.
The court case has been delayed several times already and I won't be able to even enter my plea until at least 10 Dec.
Goodness knows how many months or years it may take to go to trial or reach a conclusion.
In the meantime, Billy TK and I (NZ's #1 & #2 most visible media team opposing the lockdowns) are forbidden from contacting each other directly or indirectly.
This is an important case study in the REAL New Zealand and how it treats people who do not tow the Covid-19 line, is NZ a test case for the world?"
Category: CV Injection NZ
Hits: 1822

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