
A young Dental Hygienist and a 14 year old girl, both lives changed dramatically since taking the ‘safe & effective’ experimental injection. The Hygienist can no longer work, has multiple physical side effects including seizures; the 14 year old is confined to a wheel chair and a feeding tube… what one can sense listening to these two testimonies is the dismay at encountering these horrific adverse events. Why? Because they were all led to believe the jab was safe and effective.

And of course & understandably the dismay as they realize it wasn’t. Remember, our governments are corporations. Corporations, by way of their own definitions and terms of existence, do not care about you. They are pretend democracies, parading as, is about all. They are in bed with the other corporations that run our countries. Please do watch The Corporation movie. You will find it on YT. It fully dissects and explains how corporations work. Their bottom line is profit. “Today’s business corporation is an artificial creation, shielding owners and managers while preserving corporate privilege and existence. Artificial or not, corporations have won more rights under law than people have – rights which government has protected with armed force” Richard L Grossman and Frank T Adams Remember corporations have been given total freedom from liability with these jabs. Why do they need that if the jab is so effective and so harmless? The Dental Hygienist here refers to all the organizations and departments she has reached out to. If she is like the other three women we shared weeks back, there will have been a response of stony silence. She certainly offers no evidence of their coming to the party. In Australia as has been noted yesterday, the government’s been told to shut up about side effects and if they want compensation, the public will have to go to court. See how much they care? Can you see this suffering young woman for instance facing a court battle to get blood from the corporate stone? I don’t fancy her chances. End of day, don’t take the killer jab. You’ll be on your own if you survive it and suffer an adverse event that isn’t death (which would obviously see you beyond help aside from funeral costs & good luck with those).

Note: the original YT video has been removed due to high censorship of anything negative about the experimental injection. The replacement video refers to the dental hygienist but not the 14 year old. This will be replaced when a video is found.

Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
Hits: 923

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