magnified heading 'cancer'

Image by PDPics from Pixabay

By Joy Lucette Garner @ substack

The jabbed are experiencing an explosive rate of aggressive new cancers, and HERE is how it's happening:

Stephanie Seneff, an MIT S. Research Scientist, has published a peer-reviewed, authoritative, and crystal clear scientific paper (HERE) laying out the exact mechanisms by which the jabs are in fact causing a massive explosion of extremely aggressive cancers, (and plenty of other deadly diseases) of a type never seen before, leaving doctors (purportedly) “baffled” by how incredibly deadly they are, such that by the time it’s even diagnosed, patients are already in the “final” stages.

It’s an extremely technical paper, but here are the scientific facts:


Available from:

IMPORTANT NOTE: In the nationwide (48 U.S. states) Control Group study, we couldn’t find a single cancer in the entirely unvaccinated population (those who’ve never been jabbed with anything, ever) in any age-group. Based upon the sample size, this means the risk of cancer (to whatever extent it exists) in this population would have to be below .08% in a nation where the lifetime risk of cancer in the 99.74% vaccine-exposed population is now over 50%.

Only a complete moron has any trouble understanding what these numbers actually mean. And we do understand the mechanisms by which we are being EXTERMINATED with injections right now.





Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
Hits: 257

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