white crosses in a cemetery

A call has gone out from Mark Crispin Miller @ Substack (who has been compiling the toll world wide) to support this important effort. We will never hear the true toll from lamestream media unfortunately. Please consider if you are able to assist. Information at the links below:

Support Mark Crispin Miller's "died suddenly" project


Since February, 2022, I have been posting weekly compilations on my Substack, News From Underground, of reports of those who have "died suddenly" throughout the US and worldwide, noting those who have either died for no given reason (a very rare occurrence in obituaries prior to 2021), or who died "unexpectedly" of heart attack, stroke, blood clots or cardiac arrest, or of some "rare" aggressive cancer. We have also noted deaths due to such apparent "vaxxidents" as single-vehicle car crashes, anomalous plane crashes, peculiar falls and inexplicable drownings. 


Our purpose in compiling these reports is to provide a far more poignant sense of this ongoing catastrophe than any mere statistics can convey, however startling they may be, since such mere numbers necessarily obscure the crucial fact that these are people "dying suddenly" all over, human beings with names and faces. (When we have evidence of "vaccination," we include that, too.) Although our research is necessarily restricted to those deaths that have made headlines, or that have been publicized by funeral homes, so that our compilations understate the toll, our posts are harrowing enough to make the urgent point that those "vaccines" are killing people in unprecedented numbers, and that their use must therefore cease as soon as possible, and their designers and promoters held accountable. (We also have been posting weekend compilations of reports of non-fatal "adverse events" throughout the nation and the world.)


Our problem now (and, of course, it isn't just our problem) is that the toll of "vaccination" has by now outstripped our global research team's ability to track it in a timely and efficient way, notwithstanding their extraordinary skill and dedication. Because we have no budget, the team has done this great work gratis, while many who would help us if they could don't have the time, because they can't afford to so such work (and it is very painful work) for free.


What we therefore need, most urgently, is funding to enable us to pay for part-time editorial assistance, and compensate, as much as possible, those dedicated souls who have been helping us pro bono all along.


I therefore urge you—if you grasp the grave importance of this project, and want to help us spread the word in hopes of waking others up—to contribute what you can to help us in this necessary fight to save humanity.


Bill Gates on the impending “final solution”:



Vaccinated people are over 2X more likely to get COVID than the unvaccinated. Whoops!

Photo: Image by Robert Owen-Wahl from Pixabay


Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
Hits: 2165

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