
This was coming, we were warned by Dr Ardis. Whatever you think about his venom theory, this is very real and no theory,  he has been blowing the whistle on it for some time. And NZ recently approved this with no useful reply to questions posed by NZ Lawyer, Sue Grey. John O'Looney, the UK Funeral Director whistleblower said the hospital medics tried to persuade him to take this treatment also. He declined. Watch your children, your old people as they need you to advocate for them if hospitalized. Read the research on Remdesivir. (Use our search box, top of page, for articles on topic). TWNZ

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

While we have focused more on the COVID-19 vaccines that have created more deaths and injuries than all other FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30 years, the other killer COVID drug currently being administered to the public is Remdesivir, with the brandname of “VEKLURY.”

This drug, which was originally developed for ebola but never approved because it was so dangerous, has a history of scandals and many thousands of deaths since it was given an EUA (emergency use authorization) by the FDA, and then in October of 2020 it was fully approved by the FDA as a treatment for adults with COVID-19.

To get the original EUA by the FDA, they had to attack existing drugs in the market that were already being proven as safe and effective against COVID-19 symptoms, such Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

A reasonable estimate of deaths caused by this killer drug worldwide would number in the millions. Here is some of our previous coverage regarding the scandals that brought Remdesivir to the market to treat COVID patients during the Trump administration:

Was a False Hydroxychloroquine Narrative Created to Destroy the Competition for Gilead’s Remdesivir?

Fauci’s Remdesivir Drug Fast-Tracked by FDA for Approval Exposed as a Fraud

Editors of The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine: Pharmaceutical Companies are so Financially Powerful They Pressure us to Accept Papers

Trump to do Full 5-Day Course of Remdesivir – Betrayal of Hydroxychloroquine Doctors?




Watch how the death protocols work (video)

Doctor warns AGAINST Hospitals!!  (truth about Remdesivir from a medical doctor)



Category: Covid-19
Hits: 1933

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