
"Oh dear there seems to be an official EU watering down of protections previously listed under Resolution 2361 (2021) against mandatory covid jabs and now there's also the mention of EU covid certificates and possible mandatory 'vaccinations' but such policy changes are hidden in other more recent PACE-COE Resolutions.
Beating Covid-19 with public health measures

Resolution 2424 (2022) | Provisional version"
Carmel McCormack

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From Carmel McCormack:

Oh dear there seems to be an official EU watering down of protections previously listed under Resolution 2361 (2021) against mandatory covid jabs and now there's also the mention of EU covid certificates and possible mandatory 'vaccinations' but such policy changes are hidden in other more recent PACE-COE Resolutions.
Beating Covid-19 with public health measures

Resolution 2424 (2022) | Provisional version

Author(s): Parliamentary AssemblyOriginAssembly debate on 27 January 2022 (7th sitting) (see Doc. 15444, report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, rapporteur: Mr Stefan Schennach). Text adopted by the Assembly on 27 January 2022 (7th sitting).See also Recommendation 2222 (2022). using vaccination certificates only for their designated purpose of monitoring vaccine efficacy, potential side effects and adverse events, as called for by the Assembly in its Resolution 2361 (2021), when appropriate;
9.4.3 starting a public debate on possibly legislating for vaccination mandates for specific groups or the general population; such vaccination mandates should, however, not cover persons who for medical reasons should not get vaccinated nor should it cover children until and unless the complete safety and efficacy of all vaccines made available to children is ensured, with a focus on the best interests of the child, in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Beating Covid-19 with public health measures

Recommendation 2222 (2022) | Provisional version

Author(s): Parliamentary AssemblyOriginAssembly debate on 27 January 2022 (7th sitting) (see Doc. 15444, report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, rapporteur: Mr Stefan Schennach). Text adopted by the Assembly on 27 January 2022 (7th sitting).
2.2 support reform of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the proposal to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument under its Constitution to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
Compulsory vaccination against Covid-19

Written question No. 772 to the Committee of Ministers | Doc. 15468 | 07 March 2022

Question from Ms Martine WONNER, France, ALDE

On 27 January 2021, the Parliamentary Assembly adopted Resolution 2361 (2021) "Covid-19 vaccines: ethical, legal and practical considerations."

This resolution stated, among other things, that European States must "ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is not mandatory and that no one is under political, social or other pressure to be vaccinated if they do not wish to do so." States must also ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated."

However, since the adoption of this resolution, many member States have adopted precisely such covid-19 vaccination requirements, such as Austria and Greece, or de facto vaccination requirements, such as France, in contradiction with this resolution and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (Oviedo Convention).

Ms Wonner

To ask the Committee of Ministers:

What does the Committee of Ministers intend to do to ensure compliance with this resolution and the Oviedo Convention by effectively guaranteeing to all European citizens their right to respect for their physical and moral integrity, in particular free and informed consent for an injection still in the clinical trial phase and subject to a conditional marketing authorisation?

Parental Equality and Resolution 2361(2021)?

From just over a year ago.....
Covid-19 vaccines: ethical, legal and practical considerations

Resolution 2361 (2021) | Provisional version

Author(s): Parliamentary AssemblyOriginAssembly debate on 27 January 2021 (5th Sitting) (see Doc. 15212, report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, rapporteur: Ms Jennifer De Temmerman). Text adopted by the Assembly on 27 January 2021 (5th Sitting).7.3 with respect to ensuring high vaccine uptake:7.3.1 ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so themselves;7.3.2 ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated;
Category: Covid Experimental Injection
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