
France’s long-time vaccine policy chief: covid policy is “completely stupid” and “unethical”

Two items here, a video clip  from bitchute channel, another from

This article published by UK Column features a video and transcript of an interview with vaccine and public health expert Professor Christian Peronne.

Prof. Peronne has been a chair of the French Specialist Committee for Communicable Diseases and the High Council on Public Health which advises the government’s public health and vaccination policies [read the attached article to see more of Prof. Peronne’s long list of credentials and the ensuing harassment he experienced after speaking up against the French coronavirus policy

Some of the more important points raised by Prof. Peronne in this interview include:

To end the interview, Peronne offers suggestions on how to move forward. He says that vaccination campaigns should be stopped, strict isolation and early treatment of symptomatic patients should be prioritized, governments should re-establish civil liberties, and PCR testing of the general population should be stopped.

Editor’s Note: When we read articles from public health experts like Prof. Peronne, we always think about how much damage and wasted resources could have been avoided if governments only listened to the science.

Many of the recommendations given by Peronne in this interview is no longer new. We have been discussing many of them for months! The evidence for them has been available for a long time [for examples, see Briefing document on Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine shows evidence of pathogenic priming among older adults, AN OPEN LETTER TO RODRIGO R. DUTERTE President, Republic of the Philippines, COVID vaccines are bioweapons. Here are the many ways they can injure you., Pro-vaccine expert on ”immune escape”, mass vaccination, and the creation of “uncontrollable monster” viruses, 75% of new COVID cases in Singapore are vaccinated, Covid-Injection Lowers Natural Immunity by five- to six-fold, Natural immunity triggered by COVID infection superior to vaccine-induced immunity, Stanford’s Dr. John Ioannidis destroys the Covid lockdown narrative, Ivermectin: Another drug proven to treat COVID-19, WHO advises against use of remdesevir for COVID patients, Delta and Other Variants: Fear Appeal for Permanent Lockdowns, Killer Vaccines. Strengthening Natural Immunity the Way Out. No Health Emergency: Coercive Mass Vaccinations Illegal. New Political Leaders Needed. Acts of Courage Necessary.]

We are where we are today because our governments continue to participate in the COVID crime. Many remain uninformed despite the availability of science which could have set us free from fear and control. We continue on this path because we know the real dangers of these “vaccines” and understand that many do not have access to our information. We hope that you can aid us in reaching as many people are possible because we know that this information can save lives.


SHORT CLIP BELOW OF Dr Peronne speaking

Category: Covid Experimental Injection
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