
They don't want you to know what is really happening in Canada. Folk are rising up. Fifty thousand trucks have occupied space in Ottawa with plans to remain until things change. They're in for the long haul. At this link are live streams. Keep an eye throughout the day. This is all over the jab mandates of course (in case you've been sleeping). TWNZ

Health Impact News

UPDATE 1: There are reports that many of the live feeds are now being jammed to try and prevent the world from seeing what is going on in Ottawa. If you are filming in Ottawa, please live stream through Rumble or Odysee, as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter will probably shut these feeds down at some point (they already have shut down some of them.)

UPDATE 2: Unfortunately, this particular live stream switched over to a Trump rally in Texas. If they don’t switch back to the Ottawa protests soon, we will look for a different stream.

Here’s a YouTube stream. Not sure how long it will last, but it is better than watching the Trump show.

A truck convey in Canada reported to be over 50,000 trucks has arrived in Ottawa today.

There are several live feeds filming the events today, and this is one on Rumble that rotates many live feeds, including truckers in other parts of the world that are also participating.



Category: Covid Experimental Injection
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