chess board with Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates


"It would appear it is now a criminal offense to tell the truth.

That’s because access to over two-thirds of the funds The Exposé needs to operate was restricted without warning towards the end of October, simply because of the work we are doing to expose the Establishment's actions and true intentions.

This has highlighted the enormous dangers of the cashless society that your Government is now trying to impose under the instruction of the United Nations, World Economic Forum and Central `Banks."

TWNZ comment: 

The Exposé has been hamstrung by the blocking of access to their funds, kindly donated by an appreciative public. Incredible! This is how far tyranny has advanced. Don't think this cannot happen in NZ. It already has in quiet & surrepticious ways. To his dismay, this man lost everything for exposing corruption. Of course you will never hear about this in lamestream media. (I have heard of others also. Peruse the LG Watch pages at the previous link). Please consider donating to the The Exposé. Their info is always excellent & on point. They are dedicated to digging up and bringing you the truth... clearly at great cost. Note, I am adding related articles below also. There are so many now, from hereon I need to group them rather than post individually. Thank you for reading.

The article:

We are afraid to say that the Social Credit System isn’t coming; it’s already here, and has been for some time.

The Social Credit System is already here2expose news

The Expose has had a target on its back for a long time because of the work we are doing in exposing the propaganda, fraud and lies perpetuated by Governments and Institutions who hold huge power around the world.

And now the Authorities are going to sinister and extreme lengths to try and shut us down.

This means The Expose is now in grave danger of being unable to continue to report the facts the mainstream refuse to.

It would appear it is now a criminal offense to tell the truth.

That’s because access to over two-thirds of the funds The Expose needs to operate was restricted without warning towards the end of October, simply because of the work we are doing to expose the Establishments actions and true intentions.

This has highlighted the enormous dangers of the cashless society that your Government is now trying to impose under the instruction of the United Nations, World Economic Forum and Central `Banks.

The Social Credit System is already here3expose news

On Friday, October 21st, our team discovered that we could not access the funds we had received throughout our Fundraising Campaign that are essential to The Expose being able to operate and stay online.

The timing of this could not have been worse and by restricting access to those funds, the authorities have managed to force The Expose into a fight for survival.

Quick thinking meant we were quickly able to redirect any future funds received elsewhere, meaning we will still receive funds from our fantastic, generous and loyal monthly subscribers. But unfortunately, this support on its own will not be enough to save The Expose.

It should, however, come as no surprise that Authorities have done this because since the very beginning of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic, the exchange of ideas has essentially been outlawed.

This is why attempts to silence The Expose have been made since the very first day we reported the facts the mainstream refuse to.

But each and every single attempt to silence us for good and shut us down has so far failed. Partly due to our determination to not give up but most importantly because of you and your support.

However, the latest attempt by authorities to withhold two-thirds our funds could yet prove to be fatal.

They will succeed in shutting us down unless we can find the funds to save The Exposé and keep us online. And the only way we can possibly do that is with your help because we rely entirely on your support.

The Social Credit System is already here4expose news

So if you want The Exposé to continue exposing your Government’s and powerful Institutions’ propaganda, fraud and lies then please support us today.

We are fast running out of time to win this fight. But we are confident that if 9 in every 10 people reading this choose to support us today that we will win and prevent Authorities from forcefully gaining totalitarian control over information.

Please know that every single penny will help, and the fate of The Expose now rests in your hands.

So please don’t delay and simply choose your preferred method to support us below. It’s secure, quick and easy.

Thank you in advance for your support,

The Expose team




The following related articles extend in coverage to Vax passports and Digital ID. They are in a sense interrelated since the drive of the governments globally since the event of the plandemic has been control. I see these as integral to that agenda. In the instance of, they are controlling information (ie truth they don't want you to see). In the case of banks and digital currency, your every move will be monitored as it currently does anyway if you use exclusively your bank card as opposed to cash. The passports will of course monitor &/or restrict your movements since all you do will be subject to scrutiny by your authorities who are demanding you be jabbed to obtain such 'freedoms' as travel. Note (another issue I know) that the use of cars is being, albeit gradually, phased out. This is all how China operates. For wider info on that read David Icke's material or watch his videos. For a long time he's pointed out that China is a template for the West. They have been the test case. In China for instance, (until very recently), you were only allowed one child.

I copied the following comment recently in social media. Unfortunately I did not retain the info of who posted it so I can't guarantee its authenticity, however... anecdotal as it is, it sums up the things that you may like to look at, given this is NZ. I was certainly not aware of submissions 12 months ago as mentioned:

"I don't know if any of you are aware about this. In November last year parliament gave only 72 hours to put in a submission about moving to central digital banking and a cashless society. I put in a submission against it. I received confirmation that my submission had been received and I have heard no further outcome. I went into Kiwibank before Christmas to open up a bank account for my young grandson and was told they're not opening up any new accounts until 'green light'. I thought this was odd and in the new year I went back and spoke to my bank manager who confirmed they were not opening new accounts. I asked if this had anything to do with this proposed central digital banking and that I'd put in a submission against it and he said yes. I had to ask a lot of questions because he wasn't all that forthcoming at first but he admitted it is happening and could start as early as next month (February). I asked about cash and he said you'll still be able to deposit it but that it will be phased out. I can't help but feel that this was the sole purpose of the vaccine passports, they're a digital identity passport, it has nothing to do with our health. In places like China where this system of banking is in place they also use a social credit scoring system where they score you 1 to 4, the highest being you get the best jobs and your kids get preference to the best schools, the lowest being you can have all your qualifications stripped from you and denied food and services. This is my fear of where we could be headed."


Canadian Bank Launches Credit Card Linked to Carbon Emissions

New G20 Agenda 2030 Document calls for Global Vaccine Passports


BNZ's info on topic


Here is a search link on topic to explore further:

 Further links will be added as they become to light TWNZ


Category: Covid Experimental Injection
Hits: 1694

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