Moderna office in Cambridge, Massachusetts

From Dr John Campbell

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Moderna builds massive factories in UK, Australia and Canada Sun Yang, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Closed-door meeting Infections, Tuesday, 37 million 205 million so far (18% of the population) Beijing, Shanghai, Sichuan, 50% infected so far Thursday, cases, + 4,000 Saturday, cases + 4,103 Deaths, + 8 (no attempt to collate cases) Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) (University of Washington, Seattle)

Deaths by April 1st = 293,127 Population 1,412,600,000 Infection fatality rate = 0.000207 From China Lots of people have colds Chengdu Monday the 5th of December 2022, local government loosened all covid restrictions By the 12th, almost everyone I know has covid Severe stigma associated with the virus About 80% have symptoms 20% asymptomatic Symptoms Headache (with brain fog) Lack of energy/fatigue Muscle pain Body pains (Seem universal) Also Dry throat Slight cough Runny nose (usually light) Nausea Insomnia Diarrhoea Increased appetite in some Very little testing going on Few government testing centres Many determined to know, long queues People still think the virus is very dangerous Getting negative results (despite being symptomatic) Avoid panic Avoid shutdowns Promote natural immunity Moderna Chief Executive Stephane Bancel

That capacity that we’re building in the UK, that they are committed to buying the product for the next ten years NOTES TO EDITORS: the details of the strategic partnership between the government and Moderna are commercially sensitive UK, Prime Minister, Moderna (2020)

Mr. Sunak refused to disclose whether he will profit from a surge in the share price of Moderna Theleme has a $500m investment in US-based Moderna Mr. Sunak was a founding partner of Theleme Partners and one of the executives managing its US office. He left the firm in 2013 Theleme is registered in the Cayman Islands (which does not make company records public) Moderna goes global

Canada New factory in Montreal area, Laval, Que Mr. Trudeau took part in a groundbreaking ceremony Completed in 2024 or 2025 mRNA vaccines, 100 million doses per year Covid, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus Innovation Minister François-Philippe Champagne Canada committed to purchase a certain number of vaccines Part of a seven-year agreement 200+ workforce Not to leave out Australia

Monash Technology Precinct, Victoria COVID-19, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) 100 million doses per year mRNA vaccines Monash Vice-Chancellor, Professor Margaret Gardner bring together all of the elements of an mRNA innovation ecosystem that will deliver long-term health and economic benefits for the community


Image by Fletcher - Own work, CC BY 4.0,

Category: Covid Experimental Injection
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