
As the covid-19 vaccine roll out is well under way in NZ now, if you are still undecided, it would be useful for you to consider the following information before proceeding.

Some countries have declined it. Deaths following vaccination, have been notable in the elderly age group so you may want to examine the statistics on behalf of your elderly loved ones. (Note, I have been following these developments since the discussion began in 2020, and find that the media is not providing clear information regarding the damages and deaths in other countries that have rolled it out so far. This important information is in fact being censored, even in NZ … so you may find some of these links no longer work). This is not medical advice, however available below are links to information that is freely available in the public domain. These contain valuable independent information from Medical Professionals for you to consider:

*This particular vaccine is still in its experimental stages. It has only been approved for emergency use. Normally vaccines take 7-10 years to develop, however this one has been developed in less than 12 months. The animal testing phase was stopped because all the animals died. The vaccine has been dubbed by Brian Hooker, a Biologist, Chemist at Simpson University (US) a ‘recipe for disaster’.
video at 4 min 56 sec.

*So far, for those having taken the vaccine, there have been many deaths and injuries. A nursing home in the UK for instance recorded 24 deaths in three weeks
To be more specific, with as few as between 1 and 10 percent reporting, these are the notable stats world wide for deaths and injuries:

NZ: DEATHS – 150 (19 Sept 2021, see this article for further info)

USA: DEATHS – 13,627 – 2,826,646 INJURIES: (to Sept 11, 2021 )

UK: 1,662 DEATHS – INJURIES 1,204,555 (to Sept 15, 2021)

EUROPE DEATHS: 24,526 – INJURIES 2,317,495 (to Sept 11, 2021)

AUSTRALIA – 524 DEATHS – 56,650 INJURIES (to Sept 15, 2021)

For the articles on the deaths and injuries cited, go to our home page at at the left hand column, click on the link below each image stating the stats.

NOTE: At  the VAERS (govt) register of adverse reactions in the USA,  fewer than 1% actually report their injuries.

* Deaths have included Medical Doctors, Nurses & frontline workers. You can hear the stories of injuries from some of the victims themselves at this link:
and at this link you can hear a distressed care worker for the elderly describing 14 deaths in the two weeks following vaccination of his patients when hitherto there’d been none :
this post on injuries:
and finally in NZ: NZ: Two compilations of deaths & injuries following the experimental mRNA injection

*Dr Vernon Coleman, a UK MD, has supplied a draft list of 32 possible side effects compiled by the FDA
– the Food and Drug Administration in the US, as follows: Guillain-Barre syndrome, Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, Transverse myelitis, Encephalitis, Myelitis, Encephalomyelitis, Meningoencephalitis, Meningitis, Encephalopathy, Convulsions, Seizures, Stroke, Narcolepsy, Cataplexy, Anaphylaxis, Acute myocardial, infarction (heart attack), Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Autoimmune disease, Death,

Pregnancy, Birth outcomes, Other acute demyelinating diseases, Non anaphylactic allergy reactions, Thromocytopenia, Disseminated intravascular coagulation, Venous thromboembolism, Arthritis, Arthralgia, Joint pain, Kawasaki disease, Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, Vaccine enhanced disease: (note click on ‘Health’ left column, then Feb 14th ‘How many are the vaccines killing?)
See also this article comparing FDA’s list with the NZ govt’s list:
The CV Jab: Compare possible side effects listed by the NZ Govt with those listed by the FDA

*Doctors (including more than 32 NZ doctors) and other professional people from around the world have been attempting to warn the public of the potentially devastating effects of these experimental vaccines. You can listen to just a few of them in the video at this link, there are many more:
MD s include Dr Hilda De Smet (Belgium), Dr Nils R Foss (Norway), Dr Elizabeth Evans (UK), Dr Mohammad Adil (UK), Dr Ralf E R Sundberg (Sweden), Dr Anna Forbes (UK), Dr Anne Fierlafijn (Belgium), Dr Piotr Rubas (Poland), Dr Natalia Prego Cancelo (Spain), Dr Rashid Buttar (USA), Dr Nour De San (France), Dr Kelly Brogan (USA), Dr Sherri Tenpenny (USA), Dr Heiko Santelmann (Germany), Dr Mikael Nordfors (Sweden), Dr Elke F de Klerk (Holland), Dr Tom Cowan (USA), Dr Carrie Madej (USA), and others include Dr Andrew Kaufman (MD & Forensic Psychiatrist, USA), Dr Vernon Coleman (GP, UK), Prof. Dolores Cahill (Molecular Biologist & Immunologist, Ireland), Dr Zac Cox (Holistic Dentist & Homeopath, UK), Dr Johan Denis (MD & Homeopath, Belgium), (Medical Journalist, Germany), Dr Kevin B Corbett (Retired Nurse & Health Scientist, UK), Dr Barre Lando (Physician, USA), Kate Shemirani (Natural Nurse, UK), Sandy Lunoe (Pharmacist, Norway), Boris Dragin (Acupuncturist, Sweden), Prof Konstantin Pavlidis (Metaphysicist, UK), Senta Depuydt (Journalist, Belgium), Dr Margareta Griesz-Brisson (Neurologist, Germany), Moritz von der Borch, (Medical Journalist, Germany)

To hear a selection of NZ Doctors speaking out go here (you will need to select from the titles):

NZ RELATED: NZDSOS Doctors Press Release: Concern at Deaths Associated with Pfizer Shot in Young People … Investigation Called For
(NOTE: be sure to download the pdf file for full concerns expressed by the Doctors)
NZ: 100 confirmed deaths, 2 per day on average … 100s injuries, heart attack, stroke, clots … important info on what you can do (citizens register)

*“The world death rate for 2020 is .012% higher than it was in 2019 not indicative of a massive epidemiologic pandemic” (Christiane Northrup, OB/GYN, Author & Speaker) video at 3min 48sec
Listen also the the UK Funeral Director who pointed out that during the pandemic their death rate didn’t change, however at the outset of the vaccine rollout, their death rate spiked through the roof.

*Vaccine manufacturers have been absolved from any liability for damages (and have been since 1986) so should you suffer a serious side effect from the vaccine it appears you could be on your own. A NZ article below tells of claims thus far lodged for covid payouts, and also vaccination claims.
NZ's ACC receives hundreds of claims for vaccination-related injuries, spiking as Pfizer's rollout escalated

*For a good overview, I recommend you listen to a lecture given by Dr Simone Gold from America’s Frontline Doctors:

*Another useful resource for points to consider should you wish to dig deeper, an article from the NZ website, seemorerocks:

*And a well balanced NZ resource is the Odysee channel of Dr Sam Bailey. See her playlist of COVID videos at this link.
She interviews other medical specialists & has assisted in updating a book written in 2007 called Virus Mania to include COVID.
(By (author)  Torsten Engelbrecht , By (author)  Koehnlein Claus , By (author)  Bailey Samantha )

There is a great deal more information I could supply but have not done so in the interests of keeping this as brief and easily readable as possible. Explore the links and search ‘categories’ here. While envirowatchrangitikei is still visible, search ‘covid vaccine deaths’ and ‘covid vaccine reaction’ found in ‘categories’ at the left of the news page. NOTE: this is not medical advice, the information supplied is freely available in the public domain. Further copies to print can be dowloaded at this link: OR click on the little print/email symbol, top right of this article.

This information compiled by Pam Vernon also at

Note: the above information is available to email or print from the ‘print’ tab at the top right of the article. It will be updated from time to time. Remember, the vaccine is not mandatory. If you are unsure you can wait until you’ve considered all the information. TWNZ


Category: Covid Experimental Injection
Hits: 1607

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