
'For decades we've been deceived by those we've trusted. We the people must win this war with non violent non cooperation… be calm be united be brave"

Posted at Rumble channel of DefyTyrants:

This 5-minute plea by Australia One leader Riccardo Bosi was given on September 17th, 2021; posted at YouTube the next day; and removed by YouTube ten days later.

We preserved the video however - and now make it available to you here at this platform.

In this 5-minute video, Bosi delivers a sobering call-to-action for all Australian patriots and freedom fighters. The strength and conviction of Bosi is not feigned as his background is defined by, amongst many other credentials, a distinguished military career. Riccardo Bosi is a former Australian Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel and served Australia with distinction.

The stirring words of Riccardo Bosi easily apply to the citizens of every free world nation who are dealing with similar manifestations of global tyranny within their national boundaries.

Defy Tyrants have a website here:

An explanation of disobedience that many Christians are not aware of. 'The Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates'. When should you obey and when not according to scripture.

Category: Covid Experimental Injection
Hits: 1606

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