
Spy My Media: Pfizer’s top owners — Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street — are top shareholders of parent companies that own Annalect, hired by NZ’s Govt to spy Kiwis’ social media

In this exposé, Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards shows the Blackrock-Vanguard-State Street Connection behind New Zealand Governments out-sourcing of social snooping to the same big three Monopoly Board Players that own Pfizer.

The company hired by the NZ Government to monitor New Zealanders’ social media accounts, produce data analytics and ‘social listening’ reports for the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) is called Annalect New Zealand.

Annalect is part of the New York-based Omnicom Group whose top three owners are Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street and who are also the top three shareholders of Pfizer, the primary pharmaceutical company that has supplied the New Zealand Government with its Covid-19 mRNA-nano ‘vaccine’, Cominarty.

During the Corona Plandemic, one of Omnicom’s advertising agencies, Clemenger BBDO, created the NZ Government’s ‘Unite Against Covid-19’ campaign, which contained four functions of ideology that are essential for successful propaganda to brainwash a population.

Key Finding: Under the ‘corporate umbrella’ of Omnicom Media Group (OMG), the NZ Government has been able to manipulate the thoughts, feelings and understandings of the archipelago’s captive population by out-sourcing social snooping to Omnicom, whose top three owners reveal the Blackrock-Vanguard-State Street Connection’ to Pfizer.


Category: Covid Experimental Injection
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