coffin funeral hearse

Please refer to our previous article on topic for the background to this statistic gathering.
This is Lawyer, Sue Grey's latest update on this figure which is now 150 deaths..

deaths nz 0245

Your government, Kiwis, is not going to tell you this information. They are keeping the real toll under wraps the same as they have done with the real stats on suicide. Yesterday I posted info from another whistleblower giving those figures. (For your information that has been 696 during the latest lockdown, and 66 of those were aged only 10-14 years!) On the other hand NZ's governmental sources have chosen to keep the stats for 2020/2021 from you.

No figures included for 2020/2021
Copy of suicide

You need to ask yourself why would they do that? To double check I searched in a supposedly less public search engine called 'Swiss Cows' and this is the response I got:
Screenshot 2021 09 19 at 16 30 16 Swisscows the alternative data secure search engine

So they have decided on the 'protection of minors' from the truth, when in fact 66 of those very ones have ended their lives. For further reading at the government website on what is available go here.

Jacinda Adern announced at Buckingham Palace in 2018 that 'people are the most important thing in the world'. She has also told the NZ public she and her government are the single source of truth right now. Again you need to ask yourself why she is saying that. Because of the 'deadly virus' you will reply. Really? A virus that has a survival rate beyond that of the common cold ... 99.9% plus. For further info listen to eminent US Cardiologist and Epidemiologist Dr Peter McCullough. This applies specially for children... and yet they wish to inject your children. They are making no bones about that. Teens and tots are next they announced in June this year. They have already granted 12 year olds and upwards the right to choose this experimental jab with neither the knowledge or consent of their parents. Little by little they are eroding your rights and freedoms as parents. Remember, Sue Grey attempted to overturn the legality of their jabbing more than a select few people according to restrictions around experimental medical treatments and their response was to quickly change the law the following day.

RELATED POST: Read about the deaths beginning now of NZ teens

Photo: with thanks

Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
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