
While you may think the World Health Organization (WHO) which is headquartered out of Geneva in Switzerland is a world away from the shores of New Zealand, think again. As a member state of the WHO, New Zealand will be under the jurisdiction of the legally binding International Health Regulations (IHR) of 2005 and the alarming, proposed amendments unless we choose to opt out. Otherwise, we will be forced automatically to follow WHO law making which will dissolve New Zealand’s sovereign authority and the unalienable rights and freedoms of our people regarding health matters and freedom to travel.

International Health Regulations are like the global architecture (control?) of health and given the magnitude of the proposed amendments to the IHR it would be acceptable to assume that there would be a high level of public awareness, debate on the substantial amendments and some half decent media coverage of the situation in New Zealand given that it effects every man, woman and child in our country. Have we missed it? Or has it not had the coverage it seriously needs?

Given the significance of the IHR proposed amendments, New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) penned a critical letter to MP’s to inform them of the alarming nature of the amendments and the implications the WHO power grab will have on our country and to ask what they intend to do to uphold and preserve our national identity.

Here is a link to the NZDSOS media release, copied below also:

Read here: Critical Call for Attention: Alarming WHO International Health Regulations Amendments


Media Release
NZDSOS Reach out to MPs About Alarming
WHO International Health Regulation Amend-
NZDSOS have reached out to Members of Parliament with an open letter about draconian Interna-
tional Health Regulations (IHR) amendments that could see New Zealand compelled to force treat-
ments onto its citizens, enforce contract tracing, quarantines and health certificates, including vac-
cine, recovery, test and locator certificates. Here is the letter.


This email is to alert Members of Parliament to secret negotiations that are ongoing regarding proposed
amendments to the International Health Regulations.

This is NOT in regards to the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.” Parliament will NOT be asked to give its
“advice and consent.”

These proposed amendments seek an international agreement that would dissolve national sover-
eignty and replace it with a global medical and financial dictatorship, which would take away New
Zealand’s sovereign authority, as well as the people’s unalienable right to privacy and choice re-
garding health matters and freedom to travel.

The International Health Regulations Review Committee (IHRRC) of the World Health Organization
(WHO) has been meeting in secret in order to finalize what is now a 46 page document that includes pro-
posed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).

The proposed amendments would:

1. Change the overall nature of the World Health Organization from an advisory organization that
merely makes recommendations to a governing body whose proclamations would be legally-binding.
(Article 1)

2. Greatly expand the scope of the International Health Regulations to include scenarios that merely
have a “potential to impact public health.” (Article 2)

3. Seek to remove “respect for dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of people.” (Article 3)

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, January 13, 23 | 2 of 3

4. Give the Director General of the WHO control over the means of production through an “allocation
plan for health products” to require developed states parties to supply pandemic response products as
directed. (Article 13A)

5. Give the WHO the authority to require medical examinations, proof of prophylaxis, proof of vaccine
and to implement contact tracing, quarantine and TREATMENT. (Article 18)

6. Institute a system of global health certificates in digital or paper format, including test certificates,
vaccine certificates, prophylaxis certificates, recovery certificates, passenger locator forms and a travel-
ler’s health declaration. (Articles 18, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 35, 36 and 44 and Annexes 6, 7 and 8)

7. Redirect unspecified billions of dollars to the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex
with no accountability. (Article 44A)

8. Allow the disclosure of personal health data. (Article 45)

9. Greatly expand the World Health Organization’s capacity to censor what they consider to be mis-infor-
mation and dis-information. (Annex 1, page 36)

10. Create an obligation to build, provide and maintain IHR infrastructure at points of entry.
(Annex 10)

The International Health Regulations are existing, legally-binding international law.

If the proposed amendments are presented to the 76th World Health Assembly (Sunday May 21, 2023 to
Tuesday May 30, 2023) they could be adopted by a simple majority of the 194 member nations and
would become legally binding upon the New Zealand.

According to the already agreed upon rules of the IHR, if the proposed amendments are adopted, the
member nations would not need to take any additional actions. If adopted, the proposed amendments
would be legally-binding upon New Zealand, regardless of whether the delegates from the New Zealand
vote for or against adopting them.

I hope that you will work to protect our national sovereignty and the rights and freedoms of all New Zea-
landers against this attempted POWER GRAB by the World Health Organization.

Please provide me with a specific response stating your position on these negotiations and what you in-
tend to do to stop the loss of our national sovereignty, and our individual dignity, human rights and fun-
damental freedoms.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, January 13, 23 | 3 of 3

I insist that you actually read the official documents below and publicly state your position in re-
gards to the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations .

Official Documents from the World Health Organization: amendments-to-


Further information about the erosion of the sovereignty of New Zealand as a nation and the removal
of the rights of individuals by the IHR amendments can be found here. This is time for action.


Critical Letter to MP’s regarding Proposed Amendments to the IHR – International Health Regulations

IHR (2005) Amendments – The Danger is Real – As is Our Opportunity for Change for Good

Sasha Latypova Exposes Bombshell Revelations as WHO Advance Preposterous Power Grab




Category: Agenda 21/30
Hits: 932

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