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Professor John Gibson, from the New Zealand Centre for Political Research, published an article, titled ‘Best in Show?’ which explores the temporal relationship between covid vaccinations and excess all cause mortality using statistical analysis. He writes a balanced, logical and well informed article. Professor Gibson is an academic from the School of Accounting, Finance and Economics at Waikato University. He has also previously held the position of Chair of Economics at Canterbury University and taught economics at Williams College in the United States of America. We thank him for his work.

BEST IN SHOW – Temporal Relationship between Boosters and Excess Mortality

For those academically and scientifically inclined, Professor Gibson’s article extrapolates data about New Zealand’s excess deaths between April 2020 until July 2022. The following graph from the article shows that from November 2021 there have been approximately 3000 excess deaths. Over 1000 of these excess deaths are unrelated to COVID-19 as either an underlying cause or contributory factor.

Astonishing Temporal Relationship Between Covid Boosters and Excess Mortality NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science2

He explores a variety of reasons which could cause this large amount of excess deaths. Read through the article yourself and see how it is more likely that some of the unexplained excess deaths are arising from the indiscriminate use of covid-19 vaccines. These results are consistent with the released Pfizer documents, which show 25% more excess deaths in the vaccinated group, and these temporal relationships are replicated internationally.

Astonishing Temporal Relationship Between Covid Boosters and Excess Mortality NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science3

The graph above also shows the clear temporal relationship in New Zealand between booster 1, booster 2 and cumulative excess deaths. These are consistent with the age brackets that the boosters were used in. Age groups not including in these booster regimes did not see the same increase in mortality. These are even more pronounced when looking at them from a week to week basis.

Professor Gibson then goes on to explore how Medsafes current approach is unlikely to detect adverse safety signals from the covid vaccinations, partly due to their use of outdated average death rates. It is also difficult to get further information from Medsafe about how they can match data on death rates to vaccination status. This is a large red flag all on it’s own and NEEDS to be thoroughly investigated!

Please take the time to read through the article below and come to your own conclusions.

Best in Show Download



Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries NZ
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