scientist in lab

Dr Sam Bailey
To those of us that know that virology’s “isolation” and genomic sequencing methodologies are anti-scientific, it is still interesting to see the proponents of the nonsense offer official explanations about what they are up to.

Here in New Zealand, the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) is responsible for some of the alleged isolation experiments and genomic sequencing of the imaginary “SARS-CoV-2” particle, that they claim is responsible for the clinically undefined illness “COVID-19”.  On the 9th of February 2022, they responded to questions surrounding the methodology of their cell culture and genomic sequencing experiments in relation to an Official Information Act request (which is analogous to a Freedom of Information request).


Learn more about this topic at the website link. Consider subbing to Dr Bailey's website for regular updates on her videos and articles. Some truth amidst all the lies we are being fed by mainstream.


Photo: mohamed_hassan @

Category: Covid-19
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