two baby feet

From Steve Kirsch

TWNZ note: Former Aussie Detective Chris Savage has revealed similar about 'Shaken Baby Syndrome' - parents charged when in reality it has been brain damage from vaccination. See this link.

Executive summary

A police officer in a town of 350,000 investigated 3 to 4 SIDS cases a month for the past 7 years. She realized early in the process that gathering vaccine data was useful. So she has 7 years worth of data and it shows that over half the cases happened within 1 week from a vaccine.

That is statistically impossible if the vaccines are not causing SIDS.

You can see Ben Tapper talk about her and her direct testimony.

She doesn’t come up publicly with her name and her department to avoid retaliation. She brought it up to her superiors but was told to keep it to herself by her bosses.

But you don’t have to believe her because I ran across a paper in the peer-reviewed medical literature which exposed the data and just didn’t analyze it correctly. So now I’m going to take that “gold standard” data and prove to you it is consistent with what the police detective found: that data would be very hard for anyone to explain if vaccines aren’t causing SIDS.


Image by esudroff from Pixabay

Category: Vaccines
Hits: 1043

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