Pfizer vial and syringe


Why is Pfizer Terrified of this Woman?

After reading Pfizer’s March 3, 2023, transcript from their motion to dismiss hearing, I can tell you this brave American hero isn’t going away any time soon.

Brook Jackson is an experienced director of FDA clinical trials who reported dozens of the FDA violations she personally observed while working at Ventavia. Ventavia was one of the clinical trial research organizations contracted by Pfizer to conduct their Phase-3 mRNA vaccine trials.

Ventavia ignored Brook’s reports of the clinical trial violations, so Brook called the FDA directly (a very brave and bold move). Ventavia fired Brook later that same day (shocker).

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Brook was then later contacted by a Pfizer attorney, who mysteriously had her personal cell phone number that her former employee did not even have, in hopes of making her go away.

After reading Pfizer’s March 3, 2023, transcript from their motion to dismiss hearing, I can tell you this brave American hero isn’t going away any time soon.

The Honorable Michael Truncale Affirms that Contracts, Facts, and Law are What Matter in Court, Not Subjective Interpretations or Opinions


Under Pfizer’s contract with the US military, Pfizer guaranteed to deliver a safe and effective vaccine in order to get paid.

The vaccine could not be a ‘may be effective vaccine’ or ‘may be safe vaccine’ but must be guaranteed to be safe and effect per their Operation Warp Speed contract.


Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
Hits: 949

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